Date/time: Sunday November 20, 2005,
9:00am-3:00pm for the Public
Dealer Setup: Sunday 6:00am-9:00am,
Early Buyers: $10 Sunday 7:30am-9:00am
Deadline to reserve same table as last year: October 20, 2005
Location: Greensboro Farmer�s Curb Market at 501 Yanceyville St.
in Greensboro, NC
Info: Reggie Lynch (919) 789-4545, cell (919) 612-0259.
Web page with full info on show:
I wish to rent the following:
____ 10 ft table(s) at $30 each - you are allowed one assistant - additional tables $25 eachComplete the following info and return with your payment:
____ 5 ft table at $20 each - 5 ft tables are NOT allowed an assistant
____ optional: SouthEast Bottle Club membership - $10 for Email or $15 for postal mail
____ Total
Dealer badge name and city/state: ______________________________________Make checks payable to "Southeast Bottle Club". Fill out the info above and mail with your check to:
Assistant badge name and city/state: ____________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________
City/State/Zip: __________________________________________
Phone number: _____________________________
Email Address (optional): ______________________________________
Do you need electrical access? ___ Only tables along the walls have electrical access.
Please locate me near these other dealers: ________________________
Signature agreeing not to hold the Southeast Bottle Club or Greensboro Farmer�s Market responsible for any broken or stolen merchandise: ______________________________________
SouthEast Bottle ClubPlease bring any bottles that would be suitable for donation to kids, our next generation of collectors. No drugs or alcoholic beverages may be brought into the show area or anywhere else on the premises of the Greensboro Farmer�s Curb Market. Food and drinks may be brought in for personal consumption, but not for sale. Concessions will be available in the building during the show.
PO Box 13736
Durham, NC 27709
Each dealer with a 10 ft table will be provided two chairs, regardless of the number of tables rented. If you only rent a half-size 5 ft table, then only one chair will be provided. While shelves and anything else that goes on top of your table is perfectly acceptable, please request approval in advance for anything you bring that won�t fit on top or under your table. Dealers will be responsible for providing their own table covering. Indicate if you will need electrical hook up so we can locate you near an outlet (dealers must furnish their own extension cords). For safety and insurance purposes, no objects, sale boxes, stands, or the like are permitted in the aisles in front of sales tables