Club meets the first Tuesday of each month (except June/July
when we take a break).
Next meeting: Tuesday May 1, 2001
Meeting will be at Clancey & Theys Construction -
see directions below
Presentation: Elections + Show Wrap-Up.
Topics in this Newsletter Issue:
Business | Presentation | Next Meeting Location | Next Meeting Agenda | Joining/Dues | Member Ads | Upcoming Shows/Events |
The Raleigh Bottle Club is a non-profit organization that provides a forum for area antique bottle collectors to get together, talk bottles, buy/sell/trade, organize club digs, and just have fun. The club also serves the community by answering bottle questions and sponsoring an annual Bottle Show and Sale. The next show is April 28, 2001. Current officers: President: Jack Murdock, Vice-president and Co-Show Chairman: David Tingen, Secretary/Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and Show Chairman: Reggie Lynch. Info: Raleigh Bottle Club, Web: All past newsletters are archived on this web page.
Meetings are open to the public, so drop by and check us out. We hope you'll consider joining the club. Club members receive the monthly newsletter, run free ads, and participate in all the fun/benefits the club has to offer.
Decided to hold elections during the May meeting. Positions that will be elected: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and Show Chairman. Running for a club officer position would be a great way to contribute to the success of the club.
Decided to take a summer break and skip the June and July meetings. Will continue to meet first Tuesday of each month (besides June/July).
Another item to discuss is renewing club dues. Do we renew everyone at the same time each year, or exactly when there year runs out? Dues are currently $10 per individual - may want to have a special family rate (like $15?).
There will be no Presentation during the May meeting. Besides elections, people will be doing show&tell on the bottles they aquired during the show. Will also be doing wrap-up on the show with financial results and recommendations for next show.
Raffle bottles for the May meeting: single dot Pepsi cone top can, labeled Hicks Capudine, King & Sons pharmacy from Durham, plus other bottles to be added later.
We mailed 435 postcards advertising our show to bottle collectors, mostly dealers, in the NC, SC, VA, WV, TN, KY, GA, and FL area. Many thanks to our neighboring clubs that swapped dealer lists with us: Lumberton NC, Winston-Salem NC, Richmond VA, Harrisonburg VA, Columbia SC, Baltimore MD, and the Ole Time Vinegar Club. Our earlier list was made available to these clubs. And they can request our latest list at any time to prepare for their shows. Extra names of area collectors were added by going thru bottle magazines and eBay. Reggie has even written a program that generates mail labels from the list for dealers, members, and contacts. Sure saves time on mailings.
Dealer confirmation letters were mailed out to all dealers who had paid for tables. Club members who are also dealers at the show will have the opportunity to do free appraisals for the public. There will be a "FREE APPRAISALS" placard in your show package - display it on your dealer table if you want to do free appraisals.
The full show package for our April 28th show is available online at our club page or by request to Reggie.
Here's the list of people who have signed-up for show committees:
Task | Primes | Detail |
Friday room setup | Chuck Peterson, Bill Clark & friend, J.B. Young, Ronald Hinsley, Sterling Mann, John Arnold, Rex McMillan, Whitt Stallings, Dean Haley, Jerry Higgins. | arrive Friday 4:30pm to unload tables, setup tables and chairs per layout, apply table covers, number tables per layout, setup and rope off display area |
Saturday open up | Jack Murdock, John Arnold | arrive by 6:00am Saturday to open building, help dealers as needed, last minute changes in any tables or chairs |
Security/dealer unload | Jack Murdock, Rex McMillan, Freddie Edwards | assist dealers in unloading and parking, check for badges at dealer entrance, be traffic cop as required - don't let the dealer entrance get blocked with unattended cars, help maintain 7:00am start time for dealers to place bottles on tables, close loading door at 9:00 (sooner if it gets windy). |
Dealer breakfast | John Arnold, Jack Murdock | contac caterer prior to show, arrange for voucher exchange, insure caterer iis on time and in good place to serve, assure caterer can handle breakfast, lunch, snacks - review menu. |
Admission table | Judy Tingen, Linda Lynch | Arrive at table by 6:00am Sat, handout dealer/displayer packages with badges, sell early admission badges, collect general admission and stamp people who want to return later, sell raffle tickets after 9:00am (for drawing at 2:00), refer appraisal requests to designated dealer list, both people on table until 10:00am and rotate after that. |
Advertising | Reggie Lynch, Sterling Mann, Frank Bishop (Durham paper), Jack Murdock | run news paper ads and local antique publications, arrange for News & Observer article on club/show, post ads in public places (grocery stores, apartment mail rooms, etc) |
Table rental, covers | David Tingen | arrange for table rental and delivery/pickup, buy table cover material, get rope stands to screen off displays, PA system |
Signs | Rex McMillan, Jack Murdock | purchase and place signs, see David Tingen for locations and number of signs. |
Table break down | same group as setup | Be available by 4:00pm Sat or as dealers leave, fold/stack tables/chairs for rental pickup, fold/store tables/chairs that stay at Armory, area cleanup |
Badges, table tags | Reggie Lynch, , Chuck Peterson | print and load dealer packages before show, have table numbers available prior to Friday setup, print show badges for Dealer, Displayer, Early Buyer, and Show Official |
Show Program | Linda (& Reggie) Lynch | design and layout show program, sell and collect for ads, solicit help from members to sell ads, print copies of show program for free handout during show |
Display | Jack Murdock
Judges: Jack Freeman, Judy Freeman, Frank Bishop | Manage the display area, keep display area secure (noone past the ropes), order ribbons for 1st/2nd/3rd and participation, select judges, obtain most educational ribbon from FOHBC, make/distribute display guidelines to displayers before the show (use FOHBC guidelines where possible), award ribbons on day of show. |
When you arrive at the show Saturday before 9:00am, be sure to pick
up a badge first at the admission table since there is no entry
before 9:00am without a badge.
Frank Bishop was kind enough to take on the job of pushing thru our application for non-profit status. Reggie has forwarded the applications - may require some legal fees, but benefit will be postage/tax savings and protect the club from any law suits.
Remember to bring bottles that can be given as gifts to kids that attend the show. A special table will be setup across from the admission table where these bottles can be distributed.
The club raffle saw Donnie Medlin win the Reidsville milk, Skinny Medlin won the Alkalithia Springs NC bottle, and new member Ron Bender won the amber blop top beer.
Club members are encouraged to bring in bottles for the raffle we will have at each meeting. The raffle is fun for everyone and helps add money to the club treasury. For nicer bottles, the club treasury can reimburse the wholesale cost to the donator. Contact the treasurer (Reggie) before the raffle to make arrangements.
Jack Freeman brought in a 1/2 pint strap-sided whiskey flask embossed in circular slug plate "WHEN EMPTY TAKE TO R.H. DENTON TARBORO, N.C.", which is the only known saloon bottle from Tarboro.
Reggie brought in the bottles pictured below:
emerald green SARATOGA RED SPRING with original closure and contents,
script S-S Coke from NEW BERNE, NC with old spelling of New Bern (before
they dropped the E after Bern),
is harder to find that the cobalt blue version,
amber S-S Coke from WILMINGTON, NC,
yellow MISHLER HERB BITTERS with nice olive tone,
labeled/embossed LIEBIG'S FIT CURE that is not listed
in the Agee Cure Book,
and copper puce barrel-shaped GREELEY'S BOURBON BITTERS.
Members are encouraged to bring bottles into meetings for show and tell. These bottles are good candidates for pictures and maybe stories in our newsletter.
Looking for other people to sign-up for presentations at future meetings, so let us know what you would be willing to present. Presentations can be 5 to 60 minutes in length. As a standby, Reggie can do 3 more presentations on 1: Bitters and Whiskeys, 2: Sodas (mostly blob, some crown), and 3: Medicines.
It take TLC to clean a bottle so it doesn't look cleaned. Just running it thru a tumbler 2-3 days will not make it look that great. Must be careful not to wear down the embossing. Buffing works well on outside of bottle, and sometimes allows you to avoid tumbling.
David showed his special drill for cutting your own copper wire into copper shot for tumbling, something he has been doing before you could buy copper shot.
Aluminum oxide is the most common cleaning compound (looks like
powdered sugar).
It is used as a polishing agent to remove oxidation.
When bottles were originally manufactured, they were annealed (to harden the outside) by refiring them in the furnance. Too much tumbling will remove the annealing and start to erode the soft underlying areas of glass, which leaves gouges and riffles. Lockport glass is very soft and prone to these problems.
Cerium oxide is a very expensive cutting agent that is mixed with the copper shot to strip layers off the glass during tumbling.
To tumble the inside of a ACL soda, David showed how he wraps foam rubber around the outside of the bottle before stuffing it into the tumbling tube. The outside of a ACL soda can be lightly polished without removing the enamel.
Too much copper will frost the inside of the bottle my leaving millions to tiny micro chips on the glass. David demonstrated how to get just enough copper so when bottle is laid on its side, the copper just reaches into the neck when bottle rolled. Filling bottle half full of copper is too much. After adding copper, add teaspoon of aluminum oxide. Then add 3 or 4 drops of dishwasher liquid to keep down the sudsing (foaming) action. Bottle will clean better when there are no suds. Surface tension creates the suds. A new tube is less likely to suds than a worn tube. Nylon beads are cheap and used by rock hounds. Mix beads with copper to prevent frosting the inside of the bottle.
Picture to right shows the cleaning machine setup used by David.
The contraption on top of the cleaner is his homemade buffer/polisher.
David showed the Doepp & Jones bottle that he had to tumble 6 days because the glass was so sick. Most bottles just take 2 days.
A tumbler should operate at 55 RPM. David demonstrated the proper way to load a bottle in a tube. If the inside is loaded right, a little copper will spill over the side of the bottle as it turns, while the rest of the copper slips back. Also be sure to have at least an inch between the bottle and the tube to avoid breakage.
Be careful when unloading a bottle from the tube since the used oxide will stain like ink - should wear rubber gloves. Will need to wash the used oxide out of the copper, but the copper can be reused over and over.
David uses a buffing (rag) wheel to polish bad spots, like digging rake marks. Need to keep bottle wet while polishing to avoid overheating. David drips water while spinning rag wheel at 1500-1800 RPM.
David handed out some free magnifying eye loops and advise collectors to use them before purchasing a bottle. Too many stories of how damage on a bottle was missed until you got it home.
A full blown bottle cleaning setup from Wayne Lowry costs about $1,000. Cheaper machines are available, but trade offs were not discussed.
Everyone had fun coming up after the presentation to talk with David about his tips for cleaning bottles.
Directions from the 440 Beltline: Take Glenwood Ave exit and head in town (away from Crabtree Valley Mall). Cross bridge over Wade Ave and turn right to "clover leaf" onto Wade Ave heading downtown. Merge right onto Capital Blvd heading downtown. Capital Blvd becomes N. Dawson St. Continue 0.7mi and turn right onto W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
Directions from I-40: Take S. Saunders St exit and head North into downtown Raleigh. S. Saunders will turn into S. Wilmington St. Go pass Memorial Auditorium, then 2 blocks later turn left on W. Davie St., left on Dawson St, and right on W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
You can also see directions on the Internet via by entering the "516 W. Cabarrus St, Raleigh, NC" address.
Also see Antique Bottle Shows and NC State Fairgrounds Calendar of Events.
Apr 27-28, 2001
Liberty, NC
Liberty Antique Festival has over 300 dealers. A few bottles
can be found. From I-85 in Burlington, take the Hwy 49
exit and head south to Liberty. Then follow signs.
Put on by Janmar Promotions, PO Box 939, Liberty, NC 27298.
Call Vito or Mary Ellen Sico or Janet Hill at
(336) 622-3040 or 622-3535.
Apr 28, 2001
Raleigh, NC
NC Antique Bottles & Collectibles Show, 1st show
of the newly formed
Raleigh Bottle Club. Sat 9am-3pm
at the NC Military Center (Armory) located
across from NC Art Museum (and near the NC State Fairgrounds).
Directions: from I-40, take Wade Ave then exit at Blue Ridge Rd
and follow green signs to "NC Military Center" on Reedy Creek Rd.
Dealer setup ($20/table) and Early Buying ($15 per couple) will
be Sat 7am-9am. Display table setup 6am-9am. $2 general admission.
Info: Reggie Lynch, (919) 789-4545,
PO Box 13736, Durham, NC 27709, Email:
May 12, 2001
Mansfield, OH
Ohio Bottle Club's
23nd Annual Mansfield Antique Bottle & Advertising Show & Sale
(9am to 3pm) at the Richland County Fairgrounds, Mansfield, Ohio.
Info: Bill Koster (330) 753-7607 or Al DeMaison (216) 255-3880.
May 12, 2001
Gray, TN
State Of Franklin Antique Bottle & Collectibles Assoc.
3rd Annual Show & Sale, (9 AM to 4 PM), at the Appalachian Fair
Grounds, Gray, TN. Info: MELISSA MILNER, 230 Rock House Rd.,
Johnson City, TN 37601. PH: (423) 928-4445, or
May 20, 2001
Sturbridge, Mass
Sunday, May 20, 2001 in Sturbridge, Mass. at the Hamilton
Rod & Gun Club on Hamilton Rd. Hours are; Early Buyers; 9am to 10am., at
$10.00, with General Admission from 10am until closing at 2pm., at $4.00.
Dealer set-up will be on Saturday, May 19, from 1pm until 8pm, giving all
plenty of time. Set-up on Sunday, May 20 would be from 7am to 9am. Table
rentals are $25.00 for the first 8'x30" table, and $20.00 each additional,
limit 3 per dealer. The building is spacious and will accomodate over 60
dealers. Dealer contracts and additional information can be obtained from
David Graci - P.O.Box 726 - South Hadley, Mass. 01075 Phone (413)
594-8655 or E-Mail:
June 1-2, 2001
Lumberton, NC
Antique Bottle & Collectible's Show & Sale sponsored by
Robeson Antique Bottle Club.
Fri 1-9pm, Sat 9am-3pm.
New location at the Expo and Farmer's
Market, Exit 14 off I-95 in Lumberton, NC.
7000 square foot air-conditioned convention building with
excellent lighting & facilities. Crawfish festival next door on June 2.
For info write to Richard Stephens,
1830 Riverside Blvd, Lumberton, NC 28358, Phone: (910) 738-6075,
or Paul Valenti & Carla Baxley, phone (910) 738-3074, Email:
June 8-9, 2001
Knoxville, TN
"Knoxville in June",
East Tennessee Antique Bottle & Colletibles Society 13th
Annual Show & Sale, (Sat. 9 AM to 3 PM, early buyers Fri. 3 PM),
at the Merchants I-75 Expo, at I-75, Exit 108, Knoxville, TN.
Info: LARRY ACUFF, 220 N. Carter School Rd, Strawberry Plains,
TN 37871. PH: (865) 933-2333.
This web page hosted by Antique Bottle Collectors Haven