Club meets the first Tuesday of each month.
Next meeting: Tuesday September 4, 2001
Meeting will be at Clancey & Theys Construction -
see directions below
Presentation: Pem Woodlief.
Topics in this Newsletter Issue:
Business | Festival | Finds | Presentation | Meeting Location | Agenda | Joining/Dues | Member Ads | Upcoming Shows/Events |
The Raleigh Bottle Club is a non-profit organization that provides a forum for area antique bottle collectors to get together, talk bottles, buy/sell/trade, organize club digs, and just have fun. The club also serves the community by answering bottle questions and sponsoring an annual Bottle Show and Sale. Next event: Saturday November 3, 2001 Festival at the NC State Fairgrounds. Current 2001/2002 officers:
David Tingen President | John Arnold Vice-president | Frank Bishop Secretary | Reggie Lynch Treasurer Newsletter Editor Show Chairman | Ronald Hinsley Co-Show Chairman |
Raleigh Bottle Club | Web |
Meetings are open to the public, so drop by and check us out. We hope you'll consider joining the club. Club members receive the monthly newsletter, run free ads, and participate in all the fun/benefits the club has to offer.
Plan for Nov 3 Festival was approved. Separate section below in newsletter for festival details.
Approved releasing next club directory in Oct 2001.
Membership renewals were sent to those who needed them with this newsletter. Dues are $10 individual, $15 family. Please insure your dues are renewed so you will appear in the Oct 2001 Club Directory.
Our club membership to the FOHBC was renewed.
I talked with Charna Sansbury, who provided the new URL for the The American Collectors of Infant Feeders (i.e. baby bottle club): Charna, the club's current president, has over 700 different nurser bottles in her collection. I didn't realize this category could be so diverse. Further info on baby bottles (including link to above club) can be found at:
Looking for other people to sign-up for presentations at future meetings, so let us know what you would be willing to present. Presentations can be 5 to 60 minutes in length. David Tingen may do a presentation on photographing bottles for the Internet. May get Jimmie Wood to do ACL's and Charlie Perry to do White House Vinegar in the Fall.
September raffle bottles: Two BIM slug plate NC sodas: Lee Taylor of New Bern and Columbus Bottling of Chadbourn. Also two White House bottles donated by Charles Batton. Plus other bottles to be furnished at meeting.
Club members are encouraged to bring in bottles for the raffle we will have at each meeting. The raffle is fun for everyone and helps add money to the club treasury. For nicer bottles, the club treasury can reimburse the wholesale cost to the donator. Contact the treasurer before the raffle to make arrangements.
Members are also encouraged to bring in bottles for sale, since the opportunity to buy nice bottles is another reason people come to meetings. page has a prominent link off our main club page.
Reggie, Ronald, Pem, and Whitt met Aug 18 at the Flea Market site and reviewed the dealer package, flyers, proposed budget, and layout. Everything was approved with these modifications:
Dealer packages will only be mailed to dealers from our last show and those who request one. Email announcement will be sent to the 450 people on Email distribution. Postcards will be mailed to everyone who does not have Email and was not a dealer at our last show.
Reggie has requested that our event be listed (for free) in the event calendars of these publications:
If I've forgotten any publications, please let me know.
Requested a listing in the NC State Fairgrounds Calendar of Events but they refused since we weren't renting one of their buildings. Also found we cannot put up a banner during the NC State Fair in October. Maybe someone can place some of our postcards at the fair - possibly at entrance to Scott Building.
Plan to run an ad in Raleigh News & Observer for the 3 days preceeding the show.
Was a small show but had fun meeting the dealers in the area and the hospitality could not be beat. Here's a few PICs from the show:
![]() Show Chairman Jack Hewitt with his wife and mom. | ![]() J.M. DIXON / ROCKY MOUNT & / TARBORO, N.C. half pint strap sided flask was dug recently by Charles Batton and a friend. Very hard to find a NC whiskey flask with two small town names. The flask was a quickly purchased by Steve Brown of SC. |
![]() JACOB'S PHARMACY / ATLANTA, GA Charles Jackson of Lawrenceville, GA shows his Jacob's Pharmacy jug. Email: | ![]() F.M. ROSE CO. / DISTILLERS / ATLANTA, GA Another nice jug for sale by Charles Jackson. |
![]() Better check those old bottle caps! This white cap with Pepsi:Cola in alternating red and blue sold recently on eBay for $158. | ![]() High Point Bottling Co. / High Point N.C. mug-based hutch was won on eBay by member Randall Kiger. |
![]() Here's the wooden injector used to insert the wire closure into a hutch bottle. Was made of rock hard maple wood. | ![]() Accompanying advertising sheet for hutch injector. |
![]() BIM crown top soda embossed PERKINS / LITHIA SPRINGS / LYNCHBURG, VA in oval slug plate sold recently by Ed Glover on eBay for $205. | ![]() BIM medicine embossed DR D M McCANLESS / PROPRIETOR / ASHEVILLE, N.C. was found recently by Reggie in an antique shop. |
![]() 1/2 gal Casper's jug that sold recently on eBay to Corky Shore. | ![]() Ronald Hinsley shows off a sample size Loew's Stomach bitters that he picked up at the Knoxville show. Nice green bottle with ladies leg neck. |
Member Reggie Lynch of Raleigh NC gave a presentation on soda bottles. Sorry for poor picture quality - we really need that new camera.
My deadline is approaching, so sorry that I don't have time give more details on the presentation. But it was enjoyed by the members in attendance, who especially liked the NC examples.
Directions from the 440 Beltline: Take Glenwood Ave exit and head in town (away from Crabtree Valley Mall). Cross bridge over Wade Ave and turn right to "clover leaf" onto Wade Ave heading downtown. Merge right onto Capital Blvd heading downtown. Capital Blvd becomes N. Dawson St. Continue 0.7mi and turn right onto W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
Directions from I-40: Take S. Saunders St exit and head North into downtown Raleigh. S. Saunders will turn into S. Wilmington St. Go pass Memorial Auditorium, then 2 blocks later turn left on W. Davie St., left on Dawson St, and right on W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
You can also see directions on the Internet via by entering the "516 W. Cabarrus St, Raleigh, NC" address.
Also see Antique Bottle Shows, NC State Fairgrounds Calendar of Events, NC Festivals and Fairs, Southeastern Antiquing & Collecting.
Aug 31-Sep 3
Hillsville, VA
36th Annual Hillsville Antique Show
Aug. 31-Sept. 3 � Hillsville, VA, at 440 West Stuart Drive.
4 big days-Labor Day weekend. Over 2000 vendors!
For more information call Riley Horne at 919-553-4457
or Email:
Sep 7-8, 2001
Asheville, NC
"September in Asheville"
show of
Western North Carolina Antique Bottle & Collectibles Club
annual club show (2nd weekend of every Sept)
at Best Western (formerly the Holiday Inn West) at 275 Smokey Park Hwy
(exit 44 on I-40), Asheville, NC.
Fri noon-8pm, Sat 8am-2pm.
Will have about 106 8ft tables, $25 each, limit 3 per dealer.
No admission charge.
Info: Larry Glenn, PO Box 1391, Candler, NC 28715, phone (828) 667-2049.
or Tom Mattox, phone: (828) 298-8137.
Sep 9, 2001
Lewes, Delaware
Delmarva Antique Bottle Club
8th Annual Antique Bottle, Advertising,
& Collectible Show & Sale Sunday at Cape Henlopen High School.
Info: Alan Wesche, (410) 352-5975 or
Ferd Meyer, Phone: (302) 945-7072,
Sep 16, 2001
Kirtland, OH
The Ohio Bottle Club 33rd Annual Show & Sale,
(9 AM to 2 PM, early buyers 7 AM), at the Lakeland Community College,
I-90 & Rt. 306, Kirtland, OH. Info: TIM KEARNS, PH: (440) 285-7576, or ROBERT SMITH, PH: (440) 285-4184,
or email:
Sep 16, 2001
Winchester, VA
Apple Valley Bottle Collectors Club
28th Annual Show & Sale Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Early Entry available at 7am for $10.
Show will be at the National Guard Armory,
U.S. Rt. 50 West, Winchester, VA (I-81 to U.S. Rt. 50 West,
Exit #313).
INFO: FRANK KOWALSKI, 3015 Northwestern Pike, Winchester, VA 22603-3825.
PH: (540) 877-1093 (after 5:00 p.m.),
Sep 22, 2001
Jacksonville, FL
Antique Bottle Collectors of North Florida 34th Annual Show & Sale,
(Sat. 8 AM to 3 PM, early buyers Fri. 6 PM), at the Fraternal Order of
Police Lodge, 5530 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL.
Info: WAYNE HARDEN, 3867 Winter Berry Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32210.
PH: (904) 781-2620,
Sep 28-29, 2001
Liberty, NC
Liberty Antique Festival has over 300 dealers.
A few bottles can be found.
From I-85 in Burlington, take the Hwy 49
exit and head south to Libery. Then follow signs.
Put on by Janmar Promotions, PO Box 939, Liberty, NC 27298.
Call Vito or Mary Ellen Sico or Janet Hill at
(336) 622-3040 or 622-3535.
Oct 6, 2001
Richmond, VA
RABCA's 30th annual bottle show
Saturday 9am-3pm in Richmond, VA at the Show Place
Annex, Rte 360 (3002 Mechanicsville Turnpike).
Show chairman: Judy Foles, phone (804) 798-7502,
Oct 21, 2001
Findley, OH
Findley Ohio 25th annual Antique Bottle and Collectibles Show.
Sunday 9am-3pm at "The Old Barn", Route 224, (1 mile west of
I-75 exit 159), Findley, Ohio.
Info: Fred Curtis, 1635 Washington Ave, Findley, OH 45840,
phone (419) 424-0486.
Oct 27, 2001
Savannah, GA
4th Annual Antique Bottle and Collectibles Show & Sale
in historic Savannah, Sat 9am-3pm at the National
Guard Armory on Eisenhower Drive in Savannah GA.
Info: David Powell, 2617 Salcedo Ave,
Savannah, GA 31406, phone: (912) 354-3576,
or Russ Butler, PH: (850) 627-4909,
Oct 28, 2001
Baltimore, MD
Mid-Atlantic 3rd Annual Bottle Show & Sale, (9 AM to 3 PM),
at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, I-83 North of Baltimore, Timonium, MD.
Info: HOLIDAY PROMOTIONS, PO Box 845, Abingdon, MD 21009,
or BILL THOMAS, PH: (410) 538-5558, or RICK LEASE, PH: (410) 239-8918.
Nov 3, 2001
Raleigh, NC
Raleigh Bottle Festival
hosted by the Raleigh Bottle Club.
Sat 7am-3pm outdoors at the NC State Fairgrounds
on the corner of Blue Ridge Rd and Hillsborough Rd in Raleigh, NC.
Co-located with the Flea Market, which will have just reopened
following the NC State Fair, so a huge crowd is expected.
Free admission - no early buying. Free parking.
Dealer setup: 6am.
Rain date: Nov 10.
Info: Reggie Lynch, (919) 789-4545,
PO Box 13736, Durham, NC 27709, Email:,