The club meets the first Tuesday of each month.
Next meeting: Jan 2, 2000
Meeting will be at the new location -
see details below
Presentation: John Arnold on Mountain Dew Bottles
Topics in this Newsletter Issue:
Business | Presentation | Treasurer Report | Next Meeting Location | Next Meeting Agenda | Joining/Dues | Member Ads | Upcoming Shows/Events |
The Raleigh Bottle Club is a non-profit organization that provides
a forum for area antique bottle collectors to get together, talk
bottles, buy/sell/trade, and just have fun. The club sponsors
an annual Bottle Show and Sale (next show April 28, 2001).
President: Jack Murdock, Vice-president and Co-Show Chairman: David Tingen, Secretary/Treasurer
and Show Chairman: Reggie Lynch.
Info: Reggie Lynch,
Meetings are open to members and the public, so drop by and check us out. We hope you'll consider joining the club. Club members receive the monthly newsletter, run free ads, and participate in all the fun/benefits the club has to offer.
There was some excited talk about some important Raleigh and other NC bottles found recently by club members - hope to see these bottles at the next meeting.
David Tingen discussed his draft proposal for different show committees. Hope to see a final version of this committee proposal at the next meeting so we can agree on the committees and staff them. Dave also presented a draft budget for operating the show.
Table sales were started after approval of the dealer contract. We have already sold 16 tables! Initial sales are open to members only thru Jan 15, then open to the public after that. The revised Dealer Contract can be found at the end of this newsletter. Also available now are the Show Flyer. Any additions, corrections or suggestions are appreciated before we do our mass mailing to advertise the show.
In looking thru the financial report for the Delmarva show in Sep, I noticed they made $2,102 profit from the sale of advertising in their show program. Not bad for a show with 93 tables (3 less than us). I called Ed Detwiler, Delmarva treasurer, and he is sending me examples of the program and what they charge for ads. This would be a great idea for our show, too. We would need volunteers to sell the ads, then someone to produce the program that is handed out for free to everyone attending the show. The club will vote on whether to do the program at the next meeting.
The club raffle saw lucky members walk away with a Durham script Pepsi, Jones/Raleigh soda (thanks Dean), citron Rettig soda, and other bottles contributed by club members. Raffle raised $23 for the club.
Ronald Hinsley shows members his
seltzer bottle (minus the top)
for Taylor in New Berne (yes, the old spelling before it
became New Bern).
Two of the bottles for next raffle are pictured to the right. First is "PIEDMONT BOTTLING WORKS / LENOIR, N.C." which is a nice blown amber crown soda with vertical ribbing around the base. Second is "P. SCHOENHOFEN BREWING CO / TABLE BEER / CHICAGO" which is a slug plate blob top beer.
Club members are encouraged to bring in bottles for the raffles we will have at each meeting. The raffle is fun for everyone and helps add money to the club treasury. For nicer bottles, the club treasury can reimburse the wholesale cost to the donator. Contact the treasurer (Reggie) before the raffle to make arrangements.
John Arnold will present "Mountain Dew Bottles and Advertising"
at the Jan meeting.
Ronald Hinsley has agreed to present Pepsi bottles at the Feb meeting.
David Jackson of Greensboro has agreed to present NC Whiskey Bottles
(maybe David will bring some of his nice bitters, too?)
Dave Tingen has agreed to do a program on bottle cleaning.
Robert Delius is looking into showing a 1939 movie about Coca-Cola
bottles (shows an old Coke hutch plant).
Reggie can do 3 more presentations as a standby: 1: Bitters and Whiskeys,
2: Sodas (mostly blob, some crown), and 3: Medicines.
Looking for other people to sign-up for presentations at future
meetings, so let us know what you would be willing to present.
Presentations can be 5 to 60 minutes in length.
Motion was made to start a monthly contest for "Best NC Bottle" and "Best Other Bottle". Vote was taken and motion denied, since majority of members prefer keeping the informal show and tell.
Last month's newsletter reported on some different Valaer bottles from Charlotte, NC. Mike Newman of Augusta GA presented this photo of a different Valaer hutch bottle. Embossing reads "C. VALAER BOTTLING WORKS / CHARLOTTE, N.C." with a C&V monogram in the center. Mike repaired the top on his example and has it for sale if anyone is interested. Mike's phone: (706) 868-8391 Email:
Frank Bishop handed out a 1922 NC Railroad Map during his presentation in Oct. This would be handy for anyone wanting to find potential digging spots. Club members can ask Frank or Reggie for a copy.
Reggie gave his presentation of 19th century inkwells, explaining the difference
between larger master ink bottles and the smaller inkwells.
Reggie went thru the common shapes/styles for classifying inks.
Most inks shown were from 1840-1900.
Here's a list of some of the master inks presented:
and here's a list of some of the inkwells presented:
Previous Balance: | $596.90 |
Income: | $10 dues from new member Rory Martin
$23 raffle $320 for 16 dealer tables sold |
Expenses: | $9.24 postage to mail newsletter
$6.40 copies $20 snacks $23 supplies for Secretary library |
New Balance: | $891.26 |
Directions from the 440 Beltline: Take Glenwood Ave exit and head in town (away from Crabtree Valley Mall). Cross bridge over Wade Ave and turn right to "clover leaf" onto Wade Ave heading downtown. Merge right onto Capital Blvd heading downtown. Capital Blvd becomes N. Dawson St. Continue 0.7mi and turn right onto W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
Directions from I-40: Take S. Saunders St exit and head North into downtown Raleigh. S. Saunders will turn into S. Wilmington St. Go pass Memorial Auditorium, then 2 blocks later turn left on W. Davie St., left on Dawson St, and right on W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
You can also see directions on the Internet via MapQuest by entering the "516 W. Cabarrus St, Raleigh, NC" address.
Also see Antique Bottle Shows.
Jan 14, 2001
S. Attleboro, MA
LRBC Annual Bottle Show and Sale is put on by the
The Little Rhody Bottle Club
of Rhode Island.
At the K of C Hall, 304 Highland Ave., South Attleboro, MA from
10:00 am - 3:00 p.m.. There is a $2.00 donation at the door and plenty of free parking.
Info: Art Pawlowski, P. O. Box 3411, So. Attleboro, MA 02703, 508-399-6427.
Jan 20, 2001
Rome, GA
Rome Antique Bottle & Collectibles Club's Annual Show & Sale,
Sat 8am-3pm at the Rome Civic Center, Turner McCall Blvd, Rome, GA.
Info: Jerry Mitchell, PO Box 475, Bremen, GA 30110, Phone:
(770) 537-3725.
Feb 4, 2001
South River, NJ
New Jersey Antique Bottle Club's 5th annual show Sun 9am-2pm
at the Knight's of Colombus Hall, 88 Jackson St, South River, NJ.
Info: Joe Butewicz, NJABC, 24 Charles St, South River, NJ 08882,
(732) 238-3238,
or Ernest Bower, (732) 868-0510,
Feb 10, 2001
Sarasota, FL
Sarasota-Mannatee Antique Bottle Collectors Association's 15th Annual
Indoor Show & Sale, Sat 9am-3:30pm at the Sarasota County Fairgrounds,
2890 Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, FL.
Info: Ed Herrold, PO Box 3105, Sarasota, FL 34230,
(941) 923-6550.
Feb 16-17, 2001
Columbia, SC
South Carolina Antique Bottle Club's
27th annual Show & Sale Fri/Sat.
Last year was a great show with 135 tables.
Same number of tables expected to be sold this year.
Will be held at the Boys' and Girls' Club of Cayce, West Columbia, SC
(same location as last year). Show flyers will be mailed after Christmas.
Email Eric Warren,
238 Farmdale Dr, Lexington, SC 29073,
Phone (803) 951-8860.
Mar 4, 2001
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Antique Bottle Club
21st Annual Antique Bottle Show & Sale
(Sun. 8 AM - 3 PM) at Essex Community College, 7201 Rossville Blvd.,
Baltimore, Maryland.
Info: Bob Ford, (410) 531-9459,
Mar 17, 2001
Deland, FL
The DeLand MT Bottle Collectors Assoc 31st Annual Show and Sale,
9am-3pm at the Volusia County Fairgrounds, I-4 and S.R. 44
(exit 56), DeLand, FL. Info: M. Pallasch, 7 Monroe Ave,
DeBarry, FL 32713, (407) 668-4538.
Mar 24, 2001
Daphne, AL
Mobile Bottle Collectors Club, 28th Annual Show & Sale, (9 AM
to 5 PM, at the Daphne Civic Center, Whispering Pines Road and
U.S. Hwy. 98, Daphne, AL. Info: JIM SIMMONS,
8851 Four Mile Road, Irvington, AL 36544, PH: (334) 824-2697,
or ROD VINING, 8844 Lee Circle, Irvington, AL 36544,
PH: (334) 957-6725.
Mar 25, 2001
Syracuse, NY
Empire State Bottle Collectors Association's 31st Annual
Show & Sale, Sun 9am-3pm at the American Legion Post #1468,
110 Academy St, Syracuse, NY.
Info: John Greiner, 7364 Kirkville Rd, East Syracuse, NY 13057,
or John Spellman, PO Box 61, Savannah, NY 13146, (315) 365-3156,
This web page hosted by Antique Bottle Collectors Haven