Club meets the first Tuesday of each month.
Next meeting: Tue July 3, 2001
Meeting will be at Clancey & Theys Construction -
see directions below
Topics in this Newsletter Issue:
Business | Presentation | Meeting Location | Next Meeting Agenda | Joining/Dues | Member Ads | Upcoming Shows/Events |
The Raleigh Bottle Club is a non-profit organization that provides a forum for area antique bottle collectors to get together, talk bottles, buy/sell/trade, organize club digs, and just have fun. The club also serves the community by answering bottle questions and sponsoring an annual Bottle Show and Sale. Next club show is April 27, 2002. Current officers: President: David Tingen Vice-president: John Arnold, Secretary: Frank Bishop, Treasurer / Newsletter Editor / Show Chairman: Reggie Lynch, Co-Show Chairman: Ronald Hinsley. Info: Raleigh Bottle Club, Web: All past newsletters are archived on this web page.
Meetings are open to the public, so drop by and check us out. We hope you'll consider joining the club. Club members receive the monthly newsletter, run free ads, and participate in all the fun/benefits the club has to offer.
In response to member ad by Tom Kleeberg, Reggie found the desired bottle (see picture above) which is embossed in oval slug plate: "MT. VERNON SPRGS. MINERAL WATER / ORE HILL / N.C. / THIS BOTTLE / NOT TO / BE SOLD". Nice scarce BIM bottle with amethyst tint.
This rare NC cure bottle sold in May on eBay.
Several club members tried to keep it in the state, but bidding was fevered
with a final hammer price of $184 going to a cure collector in PA.
Member Bill Owen (one of the runner ups) reported he has one example
with a bit of damage.
Bill believes the bottle was sold out of
a building knows as Kluttz's drugstore built in 1855 and located on the north-east
corner of the square on Main St. in Salisbury.
This was reportedly the oldest drugstore &
tallest building (3 stories) in N.C. The building is still in use as an ice cream shop.
This bottle sold in March on eBay for $315.
Following info taken with permission from the seller's eBay description.
The "by BARNEY and ALLY" bottle is one of the six rarest and most
coveted bottles in any Mountain Dew bottler's collection.
Not only is it one of the most significant bottles in Mountain Dew's history,
it is also extremely rare, with less than 40 believed to be in existence today.
In 1992 only 6 of these bottles had been reported but that same year a farmer in middle
Tennessee found a full case (24) of empties in his barn and sold them to a dealer in Nashville.
The "by BARNEY and ALLY" bottle was the very first Applied Color Label (ACL)
Mountain Dew bottle ever produced, but curiously, it was the second ACL bottle to go
into production. Because this bottle bears the names of the fathers of Mountain Dew
it is a must for the serious Mountain Dew collector. Barney and Ally Hartman ran
a bottling plant in Knoxville, Tennessee during the 40's. During this time the brothers
were using a hard liquor mixer that they had concocted for their personal use and to
use for a mixer during parties. Among their friends the mixer was jokingly called Mountain
Dew. In 1946, to further the joke of this "Home Brewed Concoction", Barney had a
young high school student draw up a paper label. The label showed a hillbilly with a gun
and on the label they wrote "Home Brewed by BARNEY and OLLIE" (the High School
student had misspelled Ally) .... The mixer was so popular at parties that during the next
two years friends convinced the Hartman brothers to take this home brewed mixer
commercial and they applied for a patent in 1948. The patent was awarded to the
Hartman's on both the name "Mountain Dew" and also awarded on the now famous
design in 1953.
New member Jerry Hall had this bottle for sale on his
table at Big Lick Antique Festival in Oakboro, NC.
that was produced in the early 1970s bottle
by Doc Dunning for his lamp business.
Too bad NC does not have a true antique embossed bitters - guess Doc
Dunning felt the same way.
See for more info.
I (Reggie) missed the June meeting, but heard it was a great one with a buy & sale, plus raffle. Heard lots of good bottles were bought and sold. And lots of good fellowship as usual. Meeting for July will be the same with no formal program, but more buying/selling and a raffle.
Reggie is proposing the club have a mini-show at the NC State Fairgrounds on Sat Nov 3, 2001 9am-3pm. This will be the first weekend the flea market opens after the state fair. The club can rent a block of consecutive spaces on the grass traffic island between the Scott Building and the antique section of the flea market. Tables can be laid out 2 deep with 7 foot public aisles and 5 foot dealer aisles, providing 4 8-foot dealer tables in every 17 foot section. The fairgrounds rents out 10 foot wide by 20 foot deep spaces for $15 each. If we rent a block of 30 spaces for $450, we can provide 17 of the sections with 4 dealer tables each, for a total of 4x17=68 tables. If we rent these tables for $25 each, the gross income would be $1700. Some money would have to be expensed for table rentals and advertising, but could be a good fund raiser with a great crowd for our dealers. Could also set one table aside to promote club and invite new members. This idea will be presented at the next club meeting. Note that fairgrounds will not allow raffles. Since this would be an outdoor event, we would need to provide a rain date (e.g. the following Saturday). OK with fairgrounds to check weather the day before and decide if we are "go" or not.
Club raffle winners for June: don't know - someone tell me what you won.
August raffle bottles: WHITE HOUSE VINEGAR quart in aqua blue, and other bottles to be provided.
OK - so it's not bottles, but it is important to one club member.
Jack Murdock and Reggie Lynch attended the Big Lick Antique Festival
in Oakboro, NC.
Jack was lucky to find this brass dog that was
forged in the 1930s by his grandfather.
The brass dog was made special for a few of the best customers.
Jack recalled playing in the plant as a kid.
Club members are encouraged to bring in bottles for the raffle we will have at each meeting. The raffle is fun for everyone and helps add money to the club treasury. For nicer bottles, the club treasury can reimburse the wholesale cost to the donator. Contact the treasurer before the raffle to make arrangements.
Members are encouraged to bring bottles into meetings for show and tell. These bottles are good candidates for pictures and maybe stories in our newsletter.
Looking for other people to sign-up for presentations at future
meetings, so let us know what you would be willing to present.
Presentations can be 5 to 60 minutes in length.
David Tingen may do a presentation on photographing bottles
for the Internet.
May get Jimmie Wood to do ACL's and Charlie Perry to do White House
Vinegar in the Fall.
Myself and many other members attended the annual June bottle show in Lumberton NC. Another great show. Our club had a display showing pictures from our show. There were also handouts of show programs and newsletters, with application forms, to lure new members.
Our show picture of Hunter Cox at his dealer table made the front cover of the June 2001 issue of Bottles & Extras, which is published by the FOHBC. The publisher, Dave Cheadle, Emailed me this comment about it:
I hope Hunter is surprised (and pleasantly pleased); the cover has already brought positive feedback, as Hunter makes a great picture that really captures much of what this hobby is about! (Real people, real fun, a diverse range of glass, etc.)
This bottle recently sold in May on Ebay. The paper label reads "Lightning Cure for Toothache, Headache, and Neuralgia. Manufactured and sold by W. E. Starling, Raleigh, NC". In his book on NC Medicines, Jerry Roughton lists a Starling's Electric Soap from the same Starling in Raleigh, but no mention of this Lightning Cure product.
Another variation of the C. VALER hutch from Charlotte showed up
recently on eBay.
This variation has VALER spelled correctly, has the "ELECTRIC BOTTLER"
embossing, but does not have the monogram.
That makes 3 variations of this NC hutch documented in our
A 3 gallon NC jug, 17" in height, recently sold on eBay
to fellow club member Corky Shore.
Stenciling reads "I.C. Shore & Co. / Distillers, Rectifiers /
and Shippers of / Pure Whiskies / Shore, N.C."
Afraid the Winston-Salem group will not be repeating
their show in July. Too bad - really enjoyed their show last year.
This "D.H. KING / BOTTLER / WINSTON, N.C." blob soda
sold recently on ebay. Only $26 due to the cracked base, but still
a nice Winston bottle before it became Winston-Salem.
No presentation for June meeting.
Directions from the 440 Beltline: Take Glenwood Ave exit and head in town (away from Crabtree Valley Mall). Cross bridge over Wade Ave and turn right to "clover leaf" onto Wade Ave heading downtown. Merge right onto Capital Blvd heading downtown. Capital Blvd becomes N. Dawson St. Continue 0.7mi and turn right onto W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
Directions from I-40: Take S. Saunders St exit and head North into downtown Raleigh. S. Saunders will turn into S. Wilmington St. Go pass Memorial Auditorium, then 2 blocks later turn left on W. Davie St., left on Dawson St, and right on W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
You can also see directions on the Internet via by entering the "516 W. Cabarrus St, Raleigh, NC" address.
Also see Antique Bottle Shows, NC State Fairgrounds Calendar of Events, NC Festivals and Fairs.
July 8, 2001
Muncie, IN
Midwest Antique Fruit Jar & Bottle Club Annual 'Summer' Show &
Sale, (9 AM to 3 PM), at the Horizon Convention Center, Muncie, IN.
Info: NORMAN BARNETT, PO Box 38, Flat Rock, IN 47234,
PH: (812) 587-5560, or DICK COLE, Minnetrista Cultural Center,
PH: (800) 428-5887.
July 28, 2001
Birmingham, AL
Antique Bottle Show, (9 AM to 4 PM), at the Bessemer Civic Center,
at Exit #108 on I-20/59, Birmingham, AL. Info: TOM LINES,
PO Box 382831, Birmingham, AL. 35328. PH: (205) 987-0650,
or JAMES SMITH, PH: (205) 995-8826.
Aug 11, 2001
Vicksburg, MS
4th Annual VIcksburg Antique Bottle Show & Sale, 8am-4pm at the
Battlefield Inn, 4137 I-20 N. Frontage Rd, Vicksburg, MS.
Info: Cason Schaffer, 107 East View Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39183
phone (601) 638-1195.
Aug 12, 2001
Muncie, IN
The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors
National Show & Sale, (9 AM to 3 PM, early buyers Sat. 12:30 PM),
at the Horizon Convention Center, Muncie, IN.
Info: NORMAN BARNETT, PO Box 38, Flat Rock,
IN. 47234. PH: (812) 587-5560.
Aug 25, 2001
Smyrna, GA
31th Annual Bottle Show & Sale of the
Southeastern Antique Bottle Club.
Show will be 9:00am-4:00pm Sat at the Smyrna Recreation Center,
200 Village Green Circle, Smyrna, GA (just north of Atlanta).
Dealer setup Sat 7-9am. Over 80 sales tables available.
For info, contact Jack Hewitt, 1765 Potomac Court,
Lawrenceville, GA 30243. PH: (770) 963-0220,
Or contact Fred Taylor,