Club typically meets the first Tuesday of each month.
Next meeting: Tuesday Apr 2, 2002 7-9pm
Meeting will be at Clancey & Theys Construction -
see directions below
Presentation: Prep for April 27th show - bring bottles
For Sale and Show & Tell
Topics in this Newsletter (click topic to jump there):
Business | Membership Status | Raffle | Show & Tell | Spring Show | Recent Finds |
Presentation | Meeting Location | Agenda | Member Ads | Show Calendar | . |
The Raleigh Bottle Club is a non-profit organization that provides a forum for area antique bottle collectors to get together, talk bottles, buy/sell/trade, organize club digs, and just have fun. The club also serves the community by answering bottle questions and sponsoring an annual Bottle Show and Sale. The public can bring their bottles to club meetings for free appraisals and possibly sell them.
Current 2001/2002 officers:
David Tingen President | John Arnold Vice-president | Frank Bishop Secretary | Reggie Lynch Treasurer Newsletter Editor Show Chairman | Ronald Hinsley Co-Show Chairman |
Raleigh Bottle Club | Email:
Web: |
Meetings are open to the public, so drop by and check us out. We hope you'll consider joining the club. Club members receive the monthly newsletter, run free ads, and participate in all the fun and benefits the club has to offer.
Spring show was discussed - see below for details, especially the added Fri 4-7pm dealer setup.
Our club insurance policy went into effect March 12. This covers our Spring Show, Fall Festival, and regular meetings. The policy is from Hartford, and our agent is Maia Braswell of Insurance Professionals in Cary.
Reggie had problems with his old web host provider where the club newsletters were stored. Some of you may have noticed that the Feb newsletter suddenly reverted to an "under construction" version. These problems were all fixed by moving to a new web host provider on March 20. All counters at the bottom of various pages were reset back to 1, so the counts displayed now are lower than actual if the page was created before the cut over.
The March 3 Baltimore Bottle Show was a huge success,
with show chairman Bob Ford and the club putting on
an exemplary show that in my opinion sets the
standard by which other shows should be judged.
They set a new attendance record with 1,384 paid
admissions and 305 dealer tables,
making it the largest one-day bottle show in the world.
Says a lot for our hobby when shows can continue to
set records in the current economic climate.
Many of our club members were setup or in attendance.
At right is a photo that Bob Ford took
looking down on the show activities in Baltimore.
Member John Patterson has started a new web site on NC milk bottles at - check it out. John is a very helpful resource in answering questions for this category.
Thanks to these members who have recently renewed: Joe Webb.
Dues are $10 individual, $15 family. To join the Raleigh Bottle Club, please use the Membership Application web form or contact Reggie for a printed copy. The club newsletter is distributed to over 700 people, mostly in NC and the surrounding states. Members can place free ads, which will be seen by a large number of collectors in our area.
At right is a photo of some of the raffle bottles being offerred at our Apr 2 meeting. From left to right they are: pint size milk: OAK HILL / DAIRY / ASHEVILLE, N.C., BIM crown top soda PARKER / BOTTLING WORKS / LAURINBURG, N.C., fancy crown top soda STARBOYS with base embossed PEPSI COLA BOT CO. / 9 OZ. / GREENSBORO, N.C. listed as GR12 in Ayer's Pepsi book. Raffle will include other bottles to be furnished at meeting.
Club members are encouraged to
bring in bottles for the raffle we will have at each meeting.
The raffle is fun for everyone and helps add money
to the club treasury.
For nicer bottles, the club
treasury can reimburse the wholesale cost to the donator. Contact
the treasurer before the raffle to make arrangements.
Here's some show & tell bottles from the March meeting:
Tables sold so far: 66 of 134
Displays reserved so far: 4 of 6 to: Marge McGee, Scott Berry,
Gary Arnold, Jerry & Kelly Icenhour.
After numerous requests from dealers who wanted extra time to setup, which have added a April 26th Friday 4-7pm setup time for dealers only where they can setup and do buying/selling/chatting. No early buyers during this time, but show officials and displayers will be allowed. Fairgrounds has agreed to have table/chair setup done by noon on Friday, giving the show officials until 4pm to finish setting up the area before dealers come in at 4pm. Holshouser Building will be locked at 7pm sharp on Friday, then reopened 6am Saturday. The building will be unoccupied Friday night but the Fairgrounds provides 24 hour security for the grounds. The extended setup time will be communicated to dealers via a direct mailing. The info on the show web pages has been updated. We will also have security in the Holshouser Building from Fri 4-7pm and Sat 6-9am.
Here are the Show Committee Positions - note that some positions still need volunteers:
Reggie distributed dealer packages at the March 3 Baltimore MD show.
Andy's Ice Cream has signed up to be our food/drink vendor in the show building. They will setup by the rear loading dock, and will be providing fresh biscuits, pastries, and coffee for breakfast, then hot dogs and sandwiches for lunch. Canned drinks and bottled water will also be available.
Had to remove table 45 and 56 from the floor plan to allow room for the vendor. Reggie and Ronald, with help from Dean and JB, went back over the floor plan by checking layout in the actual building. Result was initial plan was conservative, and we have room for 9 extra tables along the walls. New floor plan is posted on the web.
Added the
Our show info has been posted to the
fairgrounds event calendar.
NC International Festival will be the same weekend
in the Scott and Graham Buildings and attracts
thousands of extra visitors to the fairgrounds
that weekend.
Full show package with contract, maps, and more
(this is the full dealer package)
can be found on our Raleigh Show page:
Half pint amber SC DISPENSARY union style
flask with palmetto tree sold recently for
2 gallon salt glazed jug from Randolph County, NC turned and
signed by one of the earliest and rarer potters -Pascal M. McCoy.
He was born in 1816, worked before, during and after the war and died in 1876.
Info courtesy of seller: Brent Gearhart (
Signed CB CRAVEN on base (for Charlie Craven)
with JOHNSON / BEAUFORT CO in circle on shoulder.
Sold $438 on eBay by
Blob top beer embossed R. Portner, Trade, Tivoli, Mark, Wilmington, N. C.
that sold on eBay for $92 by wadad.
BIM crown top soda embossed in circular slug plate
sold on eBay for $22 by wish-man
Original Coke script hutch embossed on
and on back: BIRMINGHAM ALA. ROOT 405
that sold on eBay for $2,510 by Danny Ragsdale (cokehutch).
This Pepsi from Orangeburg, SC was unlisted in either
of the Ayer's books and fetched $433 on eBay for
the seller Eric Warren.
Phillip Fulton Emailed me this picture of a 3�" mini scratch
jug incised with Pinehurst, NC. It's covered with an Albany glaze
that was used often in Buncombe County. He picked it up at a little
show in Kentucky.
David Jackson won this Farmvile VA Dispensary label,
which he promptly affixed to one of his
matching pint flasks.
This gallon jug labeled GEORGE A. JACKSON / THE LIQUOR DEALER /
by Don Goodman for $500 on eBay.
Green face jug
signed Lanier Meaders on base
sold for $1,226 on eBay.
Hutchinson-style soda embossed in circular slug plate
MAYFIELS'S / Celery Cola /
sold for $200 on eBay.
Mid-script straight-sided UNION, SC Coca-Cola
bottle sold for $104 on eBay.
TYREE'S / CHAMOMILE / BITTERS, known to be from
Staunton VA, in a nice yellow honey amber sold by Ralph Van Brocklin for $405
on eBay.
Similar to WAD1 in the 2nd
Ayer's Pepsi book, this Pepsi:Cola /
WADESBORO, N.C. bottle fetched $566 on eBay.
1915-20 B&W postcard of Keystone Coca-Cola Bottling Plant in Northfork W.Va.
sold for $310 on eBay.
While purple irradiated Cokes are a fake color to
be wary of, this strong amethyst colored S-S Coke
from Reidsville, NC appears to be a true/original color.
Sold for $225 on eBay.
Oval slug plate embossed
Coca-Cola / Bottling Works / Fairmont, W.Va.
sold on eBay for $1,025.
Also see full size view.
David Tingen gave an interesting presentation on Addison Glass,
that was in operation 1889-1903.
Here is the documentation provided by David:
Addison Glass Company was founded as Mosaic Glass Company and located in Fostoria, Ohio.
Jonathan Haley, who was born in England in 1841, was the founder.
The Fostoria factory operated until 1894 and closed due to financial problems.
Jonathan moved the operation to Addison, NY in about 1901 and with the support of the town,
built a new factory to employ 150 workers.
Financial problems continued to plague the company and operations ended in 1903.
The actual history and accurate dates are a matter for discussion.
Those with knowledge of the company say the information is vague and documents
support an interesting past.
Most of the products produced by Addison were pressed window tiles in various sizes
and colors.
The most predominant patterns were floral and the colors included cobalt blue,
amber, teal, dark aqua and amethyst.
Sizes included 4x4, 4x5, 5x5, 4x8, 5x10 and 8x10 inches.
The larger tiles are the lease common and include wonderful scenes with animals
and floral content.
Plain, unpatterned, tiles were also available and used as fillers in windows and doors.
In addition to the tiles, Addison produced one floral pattern for table service and
several types of canning and jelly jars.
I have not seen any of these with marks that lead to Addison Glass.
If anyone has additional information concerning the Mosaic or
Addison companies, please reply to
Looking for other people to sign-up for presentations at future
meetings, so please let us know when you would be willing to present.
Presentations can be 5 to 60 minutes in length, and you can pick most
any topic related to bottles and go-withs.
There will be no presentation at the first
meeting of each quarter to allow more time for chatting
and buying/selling.
May get Jimmie Wood to do ACL's and Charlie Perry to do White House
Vernon Capps has offered to do USA Hospital bottles.
Russell Griffin has offered to do Coke bottles.
Sonny Howell has offerred to do a Sat presentation at Granddaddy's.
John Patterson has offered to do a Sat presentation on NC milk bottles
at Granddaddy's.
Jerry Roughton wrote the book on NC medicines and has agreed
to do a presentation on this topic and NC saloon tokens.
Will Gorges may present on Civil War era.
Talked about a Spring picnic and presentation at Donnie Medlin's
house in Louisburg.
Directions from the 440 Beltline:
Take Glenwood Ave exit and head in town (away from Crabtree Valley Mall).
Cross bridge over Wade Ave and turn right to "clover leaf" onto
Wade Ave heading downtown.
Merge right onto Capital Blvd heading downtown.
Capital Blvd becomes N. Dawson St.
Continue 0.7mi and turn right onto W. Cabarrus St.
Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station
on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co".
Directions from I-40:
Take S. Saunders St exit and head North into downtown Raleigh.
S. Saunders will turn into S. Wilmington St.
Go pass Memorial Auditorium, then 2 blocks later
turn left on W. Davie St., left on Dawson St, and
right on W. Cabarrus St.
Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station
on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co".
You can also see directions on the Internet via
by entering the "516 W. Cabarrus St, Raleigh, NC"
Also see
Antique Bottle Shows,,
NC State Fairgrounds Calendar of Events,
NC Festivals and Fairs,
Southeastern Antiquing & Collecting,
Raleigh OnLine,
Spectator Magazine - Special Events.
This web page hosted by the
Raleigh Bottle Club
Recent Finds
If you have any recent finds to post here, or just want to share
a favorite bottle, please submit info to the newsletter editor
Reggie Lynch.
Most pictures can be clicked to see the original full view before
it was cropped to fit here.
Thanks .. David Tingen
Future Presentations
Meeting Location
Regular club meetings are held 7-9pm on the first Tuesday of each month
at Clancy & Theys Construction Company where club member
John Arnold works.
Company is located at 516 W. Cabarrus Street
in downtown Raleigh.
Park in back of building by driving down road that
runs between Clancy building and the AmTrak Station, then take
first left that will take you behind the Clancy building.
Use door at back center of building (door is locked, so knock
on window to left where you will see club members).
If you need help finding the meeting,
call John Arnold (919) 427-0334
or Reggie Lynch (919) 612-0259 on their mobile phones.
Agenda for the next meeting
Member Ads
Ads are posted here free of charge to club members.
Submit ad info to club secretary for inclusion in the next newsletter.
Ads run for 2 months, then must be renewed to continue.
If your ad ran before and you want to run it again without changes,
just request "repeat same ad".
Calendar of Events and Upcoming Shows
Apr 26-27, 2002
Liberty, NC
Liberty Antique Festival has over 300 dealers. A few bottles
can be found. From I-85 in Burlington, take the Hwy 49
exit and head south to Liberty. Then follow signs.
Put on by Janmar Promotions, PO Box 939, Liberty, NC 27298.
Call Vito or Mary Ellen Sico or Janet Hill at
(336) 622-3040 or 622-3535.
Apr 27, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Raleigh Bottle Club presents its 2nd Annual Antique Bottle
& Collectibles Show & Sale, Sat 9am-3pm - Free Admission.
Show located in the Holshouser Building
on the NC State Fairgrounds
(last year's show was in the Military Center).
Dealer setup: Fri 4-7pm
Sat 6-9am, $25/table. Free display tables.
Early Buying: Sat 7:30-9am is $15 per person.
Directions: from I-40, take Wade Ave then exit at Blue Ridge Rd
and turn right - fairgrounds will be 1/2 mile down on right.
Info: Reggie Lynch, (919) 789-4545,
PO Box 13736, Durham, NC 27709, Email: