The club meets the first Tuesday of each month.
Next meeting: Tue Dec 5, 2000
Meeting will be at the new location -
see details below
Presentation: Reggie Lynch on 19th Century Ink Bottles
Topics in this Newsletter Issue:
Business | Presentation | Treasurer Report | Next Meeting Location | Next Meeting Agenda | Joining/Dues | Member Ads | Upcoming Shows/Events |
The Raleigh Bottle Club is a non-profit organization that provides a forum for area antique bottle collectors to get together, talk bottles, buy/sell/trade, and just have fun. The club sponsors an annual Bottle Show and Sale. For more info, contact Reggie Lynch, Email:, Web:
Meetings are open to the public, so drop by and check us out. Regular meeting attendees should join the club. Club members receive the monthly newsletter, run free ads, and participate in all the fun/benefits the club has to offer.
Everyone was very happy with the meeting place by provided by John Arnold. Besides being free, it is well lit, has plenty of tables and chairs, and is centrally located in downtown Raleigh. Vote was unanimous to keep this as our permanent location. Directions are in the Next Meeting Location section below. One newcomer asked Jack how do you know a bottle is expensive? Jack's witty remark: John Arnold will try to buy it from you.
The club raffle saw lucky members walk away with a "GALLOWAY DRUG CO / RALEIGH NC" blown pharmacy bottle, and a honey amber slug-plate "PITTSBURGH BREWING" bottle with unusual top. The latter bottle was won by our presentor Frank Bishop (it's a sure bet that David Tingen tried to buy it off him). Several other bottles were also in the raffle which raised $53 for the club. JB Young donated a script S-S Coke (no city) that raised another $15.
Reggie showed a yellow (almost citron) "CHAS. RETTIG & SON / POTTSVILLE, Pa" soda with applied crown top that will be raffled at the December club meeting. Bottle is pictured above along with a 1912 "Pepsi=Cola / DURHAM, NC" bottle (DUR2 in Ayer's Pepsi book with $60 book value) that will be raffled at the same time. Both bottles are clean and damage-free.
Dave Tingen gave a detailed show report about our upcoming Sat April 28, 2001 show at the NC Military Center (Armory) near the NC State Fairgrounds in Raleigh. About 40 6 foot tables and 150 chairs are included in the $600 rental price. We can rent additional 6 foot tables for $5.25 each plus delivery. Plan to charge $20 per table. Members will have first crack at renting tables until Jan 1 which rent is open to public.
Show schedule:
Fri 5:00pm | Setup/arrange tables and chairs. Layout will allow 7 foot customer aisles and 5 foot dealer aisles. Some extra chairs will be setup against the walls to give customers a place to relax. No bottles brought into building Friday night so security will not be needed. |
Sat 6:00-9:00am | Display table setup. Plan to make 6 display tables available. Dealers may bring in boxes but nothing on top of dealer tables till 7:00am. |
Sat 7:00-9:00am | Dealer setup and early buying. A free light breakfast with coffee will be offered to dealers. Early buying admission is $15. |
Sat 9:00am-3:00pm | General Admission - $3 fee will be charged. |
Sat 3:00pm-4:30pm | Clean up and prepare tables for pickup |
Decided to allow insulators. Restriction in contract will be that at least 50% of dealers' offering is antique bottles, glass, or insulators. Go-with advertising is welcomed and encouraged.
Club voted against the $150 show advertising package offered by AB&GC Magazine. We have, however, submitted an entry for a free listing in the AB&GC and FOHBC show calendars.
Club also voted to charge $3 admission to the general public. Children under 12 are free. The admission is being charged to help offset the cost of advertising our new show.
David Tingen to bring proposal to next meeting for different show committees. Club will vote on committees, then decide how to fill them. Some of the committees will probably be advertisement, making/placing signs, advance raffle ticket sales, dealer refreshments, manning the door during day of show and handling admission/raffle sales, table/chair setup before show, table/chair cleanup after show, etc. If you have a specific area you would like to help in or can volunteer for any area, please let us know by the December meeting. For our show to happen and be a success, we need a strong show of support from all club members.
Club members are encouraged to bring in bottles for the raffles we will have at each meeting. The raffle is fun for everyone and helps add money to the club treasury. For nicer bottles, the club treasury may reimburse the wholesale cost to the donator. Contact the treasurer (Reggie) before the raffle to make arrangements.
Reggie Lynch will present "19th Century Inkwells" at the Dec meeting. John Arnold will present "Mountain Dew Bottles and Advertising" at the Jan meeting. David Jackson of Greensboro has agreed to present NC Whiskey Bottles (maybe David will bring some of his nice bitters, too?) Dave Tingen can do program on bottle cleaning. Robert Delius is looking into showing a 1939 movie about Coca-Cola bottles (shows an old Coke hutch plant). Looking for other people to sign-up for presentations at future meetings.
During the December meeting the club will vote on whether to start
a monthly contest for "Best NC Bottle" and "Best Other Bottle".
The winners will have their bottle featured in the next newsletter
along with a write-up on any history available for the bottle.
Assuming the contest is started in December, bring your contest candidates.
Should probably limit entries to two per person.
Other clubs do a similar contest and it's a highlight of each meeting.
Check out the picture on right of two different bottles from the same company that were shown by Reggie during the November meeting. The bottle on the left is Hutchinson soda with part of the original stopper; embossing in circular slug plate reads "C. VALER & CO / ELECTRIC BOTTLERS / CHARLOTTE, N.C.". I'm told there is a more common version of this hutch without the "ELECTRIC BOTTLERS". The bottle on right is an applied crown top with cirular slug plate embossing that reads "C. VALAER BOTTLING WORKS / CHARLOTTE, N.C." with fancy CV logo in the middle. I'm told there are two other variants of the crown top bottle, some with short and long necks. And there appears to be multiple spellings of Valaer (the two bottles shown spell it differently). David Tingen has a "TWIN CITY BOTTLING / P. VALER / WINSTON, N.C." blob top beer bottle - it is believed that P. Valer in Winston (which later became Winston Salem) and C. Valer were brothers. If anyone has any history to add about Valer bottles, I'll be happy to publish it in an upcoming newsletter.
Frank Bishop gave a wonderful presentation on Richmond and Savannah
Sodas, plus other special bottles in his collection. Frank has collected
for 20 years and use to live in Richmond before his current
home in Durham.
Frank started with a gallon size Speas Vinegar jug. A good reference for collectors is the "Speas Vinegar" book by Doug Hollingsworth. The Speas bottles are really taking off as a collectable bottle.
Some of the bottles presented by Frank:
Everyone got to come up afterwards and talk with Frank and see these treasures up close. Quite a collection - thanks for sharing it, Frank.
Frank also handed out copies of the 1922 Railroad Map of NC, which is good for locating digging sites.
Previous Balance: | $543.13 |
Income: | $20 dues from new members David Tingen and Mark Mims.
$53 raffle $15 from auction of Coke bottle by J.B. Young |
Expenses: | $10.23 postage to mail newsletter
$12.05 copies 11.95 return address labels |
New Balance: | $596.90 |
Directions from the 440 Beltline: Take Glenwood Ave exit and head in town (away from Crabtree Valley Mall). Cross bridge over Wade Ave and turn right to "clover leaf" onto Wade Ave heading downtown. Merge right onto Capital Blvd heading downtown. Capital Blvd becomes N. Dawson St. Continue 0.7mi and turn right onto W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
Directions from I-40: Take S. Saunders St exit and head North into downtown Raleigh. S. Saunders will turn into S. Wilmington St. Go pass Memorial Auditorium, then 2 blocks later turn left on W. Davie St., left on Dawson St, and right on W. Cabarrus St. Cross railroad tracks, and just pass the Amtrak Station on right is #516 "Clancy & Theys Construction Co" - park behind building.
You can also see directions on the Internet via MapQuest by entering the "516 W. Cabarrus St, Raleigh, NC" address.
Nov 12, 2000
Oakland, NJ
North Jersey Antique Bottle Collectors Association�s 31st Annual Show & Sale (Sun.
9 AM - 2 PM, early admission 8 AM) at Valley Middle School, Route 202,
Oakland, New Jersey. INFO: PAUL BOREY, 251 Vista View Dr., Mahwah, NJ 07430,
PH: (201) 934-7486, E-mail:
Nov 18, 2000
Walhalla, SC
Dixie Jewels Insulator Club�s Fall Swap Meet (Sat. 9:30 AM - ?) at the
home of Ed & Zandra Overstreet. INFO: ED OVERSTREET, 428 Holloway St.,
Walhalla, SC 29691, PH: (864) 718-1919,
Nov 19, 2000
Timonium, MD
The Great Mid-Atlantic Bottle Show & Sale is a new show that will
be held Sunday 9am-3pm at the Maryland State Fairgrounds,
Timonium, MD off I-83
North of Baltimore.
Over 150 table of all types of Bottles, Stoneware, Early
Glass, Breweriana, Advertising, and Go Withs.
Admission $2, no early buyers.
Put on by Holiday Promotions, P.O. Box 845, Abingdon, MD 21009.
Contacts: Bill Thomas 410-538-5558, Rick Lease 410-239-8918.
This show is not sponsored by the Baltimore Antique Bottle Club and
certainly does not replace their show which will still be held in March.
Jan 14, 2001
S. Attleboro, MA
LRBC Annual Bottle Show and Sale is put on by the
The Little Rhody Bottle Club
of Rhode Island.
At the K of C Hall, 304 Highland Ave., South Attleboro, MA from
10:00 am - 3:00 p.m.. There is a $2.00 donation at the door and plenty of free parking.
Info: Art Pawlowski, P. O. Box 3411, So. Attleboro, MA 02703, 508-399-6427.
Feb 16-17, 2001
Columbia, SC
South Carolina Antique Bottle Club's
27th annual Show & Sale Fri/Sat.
Last year was a great show with 135 tables.
Same number of tables expected to be sold this year.
Will be held at the Boys' and Girls' Club of Cayce, West Columbia, SC
(same location as last year). Show flyers will be mailed after Christmas.
Email Eric Warren,
238 Farmdale Dr, Lexington, SC 29073,
Phone (803) 951-8860.
Mar 4, 2001
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Antique Bottle Club
21st Annual Antique Bottle Show & Sale
(Sun. 8 AM - 3 PM) at Essex Community College, 7201 Rossville Blvd.,
Baltimore, Maryland.
See their club page for details.