Reggie Lynch 4734 Pimlico Ln Waxhaw, NC 28173 (704) 221-6489, fax (561) 760-6246, Email: Web: VENDING SALES MANAGER IMPLEMENTED FEATURE LIST FOR VERSION 9.9-ZI February 26, 2007 In addition to describing new features that have been added to VSM since version 9.6 was released, this section will also describe any problems that have been fixed. The items listed are shown in the order in which they were implemented, with the most recent being listed first. 1. Add GPS Decimal format In v9.9ZI, added support for GPS Decimal format. Already has support for GSP Minute/Second format. When switching between formats, all old GPS coordinates will be erased (i.e. no conversion). 2. Allow Tickets to Show Ave Units AND Warning In v9.9ZH, the old prompt to allow selecting Ave Units Used per Day ("I/DA") or Warning, has been changed to also allow selecting both. 3. Upgrade HSMS to VSM Conversion In v9.9ZG, the HSMS2VSM Conversion was upgraded to work with the latest VSM. There are still some users out there of John Hine's old HSMS (Honor Snack Management System) that are converting to VSM. 4. Added Secondary Phone Number (FAX) to Combined List Accts Report In v9.9ZD, added ability to select Secondary Phone Number (i.e. FAX) to be included in the "Combined List of All Accounts" report. 5. Fixed Display of Warning/Talker on Tickets In v9.9ZB, fixed display of Warning/Talker card on Tickets that was accidently broken in v9.9-W. 6. Added Commands to Assist with Merging VSM Databases In v9.9ZA, added hidden commands to DRIVER, CITY, and SALES PERSON MENUs to assist the advanced user with merging two VSM databases. Contact SMS if you need help with this. 7. Fixed Renumber Accounts for numbers greater than 32,000 In v9.9-Z, the "Repack Account Numbers" command in OFFICE MENU was fixed to support the recent change (in 9.9-H) to allow account numbers greater than 32,000. 8. Show Profit Ranking on Tickets In v9.9-Y, the accounts profit ranking against other active accounts on the route will now be show on large tickets. Info is displayed to left of AMT PROF header. 9. Show Ave Units Used Per Day on Ticket instead of Warning In v9.9-X, added new option that allows tickets to show the Average Units Used per Day instead of the Warning Notice. To enable this option, go to OFFICE MENU and select "Printed Types of Tickets"; then skip down to prompt for "Override Ticket Warning with Ave Units Used per Day". When this feature in use, ticket header will be "I/DA" instead of "WARN". 10. Fixed ReDo Service Entry command for TIME STAMP In v9.9-V, fixed problem so "ReDo Service Entry" command will still prompt for other fields in service entry after prompt for Time Stamp. 11. Added TIME STAMP ANALYSIS Report for Routes In v9.9-U, added new report TIME STAMP ANALYSIS that can be run via the Print Reports command under the SERVICE ROUTE MENU. When the Service TimeStamp feature is enabled, this report will analyze how long the driver spent between stops and show the average time per stop. 12. Added GPS (Global Positioning System) Support In v9.9-T, added support for Global Positioning Systems (GPS). This allows specifying the global position of each Account by a pair of Latitude/Longitude coordinates. There are hand held GPS devices that allows the driver to accuarately pinpoint the location of each account by its GPS coordinates. These coordinates can then be used to help locate the account or improve the routing order. The feature is disabled by default, but can be turned on with the "Field Displays" command in the OFFICE MENU. This feature currently assumes that all accounts are located in North America, but International support can be added upon request. The user can select to display the GPS coordinates from the Combined List of Accounts report, which can then be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or input to GPS mapping software. The GPS coordinates are also shown on service tickets. 13. Added Time Stamping of Service Entries In v9.9-T, user can now timestamp every Service Entry. This feature is disabled by default, but can be turned on with the "Field Displays" command under the OFFICE MENU. The time is specified in military format (1..2400). For example, 800 is 8am and 1330 is 1:30pm. 14. Improved "Delete City" command In v9.9-T, improved "Delete City" command in CITY MENU so it would show the account number (and its route) still assigned to the city if user tried to delete city that was still assigned to accounts. Also gives recommendation to use "Merge City" comman in this situation. 15. Fixed Data For Accounts Report to Include cancelled Accounts with no Trays In v9.9-S, a problem was fixed with the "Data For Accounts" report where cancelled accounts were always being excluded from the report whenever the cancelled account did not have any tray types assigned. 16. Fix Duplicate Account Number Detection, Add command to Resolve Duplicates In v9.9-R, a problem was fixed where the OFFICE MENU "Repack Account Numbers" command would miss detecting duplicate account numbers. And a new "Renumber Duplicates" command was added to help resolve any duplicate numbers. The "Renumber Duplicates" command will reassign the account number of any duplicate account numbers to the "Next Available Account Number". 17. Select ITEMS LEAVE/USED and LAST RETAIL in Combined List of All Accounts Report In v9.9-Q, added ITEMS LEAVE, ITEMS USED (last service only), and LAST RETAIL (amount retail of last service) as selectable fields in user- defined Combined List of All Accounts report. 18. Select FUTURE SERVICE DATE in Combined List of All Accounts Report In v9.9-P, added FUTURE SERVICE DATE (also available on schedule ticket card) as selectable field in user-defined Combined List of All Accounts report. 19. List Active/Cancelled Accounts separately in CITY MENU Report In v9.9-P, the CITY MENU report has been modified to split NUM ACCTS field into ACTV ACCTS and CAND ACCTS so active/cancelled accounts are reported separately. 20. Support User-Defined Screen Code to Compress Reports on Screen In v9.9-P, the user can now assign their own code to compress the screen while displaying reports that would normally wrap-around on the screen. Before this feature, VSM would only compress the screen if the user had a display adapter that was directly supported by VSM. But many new display adapters have come on the market and they all use their own special codes to compress the screen (too bad they weren't all compatible). The new VSM feature allows the user to test all possible screen codes to see which one works best for displaying reports. To access this new feature, go the "Computer Options" command under the OFFICE MENU. For users with more than one PC, this feature can be controlled via a command line option so each PC can be custom configured for it's own screen code. Edit your VO.BAT file and add "scrn058" to the VSM line if 58 is your screen code. The number after "scrn" must be 3 digits, so add leading zero's as needed. 21. Support 233MHz and faster PCs In v9.9-N, incorporated Borland compiler patch that corrects problem so VSM and its support programs (like CHKDIR and BIGSORT) will work on the newer Pentium PCs with 233MHz and faster processors. 22. Add Zip Code Verification In v9.9-L, added verify code to temporarily fix any corrupt zip code data so route could be loaded and account's zip fixed manually. 23. Fix problem so ROUTE MENU works for more than 136 Routes In v9.9-J, fix problem so ROUTE MENU displays properly when there are more than 136 routes assigned. 24. Doubled Max Number of Accounts from 32000 to 64000 In v9.9-H, the maximum number of accounts supported was doubled from 32000 to over 64000. 25. New LOCATE ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE Report In v9.9-G, a new LOCATE ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE Report was added that prints account info needed to help locate the Accounts to be Serviced on a Route. 26. Allow Printing Map Page/Grid on ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE Report In v9.9-G, allowed user option to print Map Page/Grid on the ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE Report. This info provides extra help for drivers trying to locate accounts on their map. 27. Option to not Skip first Multiple Ticket In v9.9-E, a new "Print 1st Multiple when Multiple Tickets requested for Tray" prompt was added to the "Printed Type of Tickets/Labels" command under the OFFICE MENU. This prompt works in conjunction with the "Print Ticket for each Tray when Account has multiple Trays of this type" field for a Tray type (see TRAY MENU) to control whether the first multiple ticket is printed or inhibited. Previously, the first multiple was inhibited since the full ticket printout was counted as this multiple. 28. Added Combine Account Tray Command In v9.9-D, a new "Combine Account Tray" command has been added to the TRAY MENU. Useful if user has accounts with two tray types (e.g. A and B) and wants to combine both into a single tray type (e.g. A). The previous "Merge Tray" command has been renamed the "Rename Account Tray" command so its function would not be confusing. 29. Correct New Phone Number Assignment after Conversion In v9.9-B, corrected assignment of phone numbers for new accounts. Problem occurred after CVT9X99 conversion. 30. Conversion to Expand VSM Data In v9.9, the CVT9X99 VSM Data Conversion program will automatically run to convert your existing VSM data so it works with the new v9.9 VSM program. VSM now has a list of Cities that users can access via the new CITY MENU (in UTILITIES). Users can assign a Business Population for each city. When assigning the city for accounts, the user can now select the city from a scrollable list. Users should merge together Cities that are the same but spelled differently (e.g. merge "Raleigh" and "Raliegh"). The MONTHLY SALES FOR CITY/STATE report has added an option to allow displaying figures for market share and last sales trip to each city. The map page/grid fields have been converted - map page changed from a 4 digit number to a 4 character name (accepts digits and letters); map grid expanded from 4 to 6 characters. The Route Name has been expanded from 3 to 4 characters. A second phone number has been added to each account; this is intended to allow assignment of a fax number, but can be used for other purposes as well. Upcoming version will user to assign use of each phone number (work, fax, home) and support assigning an optional extension number. 31. Internet Email and Web page Access added to Help Command In v9.8-Z, the Help command (available in OPERATIONS and UTILITIES MENUs) has been updated to show the Email and web page addresses that Internet users can access to contact SMS for VSM info/updates. 32. Corrected Ticket Printout for Coffee In v9.8-Z, several minor problems were corrected with printing tickets for accounts that have coffee service. 33. VSMBKUP can create VSMDATA on C: for modem transfers In v9.8-X, the VSMBKUP command was modified to allow the user to backup their VSM data to a single VSMDATA.ZIP file on their C: drive. This is helpful for users that want to transfer their data over a modem to another PC. The VSMRSTR command will support restoring VSM data from this C:\VSMDATA.ZIP file. Also expanded the valid hard drive letters from C..H to C..J (i.e. add I and J as valid hard drives for VSM data - helpful with Win95). 34. Find Account by Partial Phone Number In v9.8-W, added option to "Find Account" and "Go To Account" commands that allows searching for a partial phone number by ignoring the area code. This will help users with customers in more than one area code, or help with cases where the area code has changed or is incorrect. Prior versions would only search for a full phone number, meaning the entire phone (including area code) must match. 35. ITEMS LEFT entry printed on Ticket for Variable-Sized Trays In v9.8-W, an entry mark (shown as "_ _ _") will be printed in the next service area (under the USED column) for each variable-sized tray shown on the ticket. This space was previously left blank since USED cannot be shown in the next service area of the ticket. The entry mark is intended to allow users to optionally record the ITEMS LEFT for each variable sized tray, without adding a new column to the ticket. 36. On-Line Viewing of Implemented Feature List In v9.8-U, the "Help" command (OPERATIONS or UTILITIES MENU) has been modified to allow the user to view the latest Implemented Feature List for the current VSM version. This will keep the list available to you at any time and conserve paper by eliminating the need to distribute printed copies of the list to every VSM user. 37. Enhanced Transfer Driver Data and Service Credit commands In v9.8-T, the two main service credit transfer commands were enhanced to allow option of transferring only services made on a given date. The two commands are "Transfer Service Credit" in the ROUTE MENU and "Transfer Driver Data" in the DRIVER MENU. This enhancement will be useful when the data entry operator needs to correct service entries that were credited to the wrong driver. 38. Fixed problem with AVE HIST Summary Line on Small 3x5 Tickets In v9.8-S, corrected alignment of AVE HIST n SERVS summary line on small 3x5 tickets. Alignment was already correct on large 3«x8« tickets. 39. Fixed problem with Printing Multiple Tickets In v9.8-S, fixed problem so multiple ticket will always be printed for tray types that have requested this feature (enable Multiple Tickets for Tray in the TRAY MENU). This problem was introduced in v9.8-J. 40. Added support for Brandt Coin Counter Machines In v9.8-R, the "Coin Counter Interface" command has been added to the OPERATIONS MENU. This command allows VSM to interface with Brandt coin counters to automate the entry of service trip data by the operator at the coin counter. See on-line VSM manual for more info, or request VSMCOIN2.DOC document from SMS. 41. Corrected "Transfer Service Credit" command in ROUTE MENU In v9.8-R, corrected the "Transfer Service Credit" command in the ROUTE MENU so the command works correctly to transfer credit for making service entries on a route to the given driver. 42. Added SKIP STATUS FOR ACCOUNTS ON ACTIVE ROUTES Report In v9.8-Q, the SKIP STATUS FOR ACCOUNTS ON ACTIVE ROUTES report was added to the list of reports that can be printed from the OPERATIONS MENU. This report shows useful statistics about how accounts are being skipped on a per route, per driver, and per office basis. See on-line user manual for description of each field in this report. 43. Improved On-Line VSM User Manual In v9.8-P, improvements were made to the readability and organization of the On-Line VSM Manual that can be accessed via the Help command from the OPERATIONS or UTILITIES MENU. Sections of manual were organized in order of Title, Table of Contents, Body, and Index. Extraneous ".c." and ".i." characters were removed. 44. Added Warning when too many days since last VSM Data Backup In v9.8-P, the user will now receive a warning upon entry into VSM if there have been too many days since the last VSM data backup was performed. The user can modify/disable this warning with the "Field Displays" command in the OFFICE MENU. 45. Added Warning when Available Hard Disk Space gets too low In v9.8-P, the user will now receive a warning upon entry into VSM if the available hard disk space (where VSM data is stored) is less than 2M (i.e. 2048000 bytes). This will help prevent the nasty problems that occur when this situation arises. Such problems include loss of your data. In addition, the VSM login software was overlayed to make an additional 8K of memory available for your VSM data. 46. Added Optional Service History Summary line to Tickets In v9.8-M, the user can optionally display a service history summary line on tickets. By default, this option is enabled. To disable it, use the "Printed Types of Tickets/Labels" command under the OFFICE MENU. The new summary line will show the averages on a per stop basis. The same average summary line has been added to the SERVICE ENTRIES FOR ACCOUNT report. 47. Added Cancelled Route Status for Routes with only Inactive Accounts In v9.8-K, a new Route Status field was added for each Route that selects whether the Route is Active or Cancelled. Existing routes default to Active. Active Routes can hold any type of Account. Cancelled Routes can only hold Accounts that permanently cancelled at least 60 days ago. When changing an existing Route to Cancelled, VSM will only allow the change if all Accounts on the Route were permanently cancelled at least 60 days ago. VSM will make the same check when the user attempts to move Accounts to a Cancelled Route. Advantage to designating a Route as Cancelled is that OPERATIONS and TRAY MENU sales reports will skip loading any Cancelled Routes since it is known that a Cancelled Route cannot contribute to sales report for the last two months. Only report exception is DATA FOR ACCOUNTS (Combined List of All Accounts) which will load Cancelled Routes if the user specifies looking for All/Cancelled Accounts. Commands to add a new Account or Restore an Account to Service will be inhibited if the Account belongs to a Cancelled Route. 48. Corrected SALES PERSON PERFORMANCE Report, Added New Option In v9.8-J, corrections were made to the SALES PERSON ACCOUNT/TRAY PERFORMANCE reports so matching accounts (i.e. those within the given date range) were always printed. Made correction to prevent bugs that sometimes occurred while generating these Performance reports. In addition, a new SALES PERSON TRAYS PERFORMANCE report was added that reports sales for all Trays placed by a given Sales Person. This new report will break out results for each matching tray type (i.e. matches if tray sold by given Sales Person) assigned to the account. The SALES PERSON TRAY and TRAYS PERFORMANCE reports will not show shrink and profit figures for a tray type unless the Amount Collected was just for that tray type. For example, if Amount Collected method for an Account is "per Account" and the Account has two tray types, then the Amount Collected figure is split amongst the two tray types; in this case it does not make sense to show shrink/profit figures on a per tray type basis. If Amount Collected method is "per Tray", then it does make sense to show shrink/profit. 49. Corrected Multiple Tickets Printed for a Tray Type In v9.8-J, corrected the "Multiple Tickets" feature so multiple ticket not inadvertently printed just because account has more than one Tray type. If "Multiple Tickets" is turned on for a given tray type, then a ticket will be printed for every tray of that type when an account has more than one tray of that type (quite a mouthful). 50. Added Support for new Coffee COD tray type In v9.8-H, support was added for a new "Coffee COD Service" tray type. Details about Coffee COD Service is described in the VSMCOFE5.DOC document which is available from SMS. Honor Snack sales results can be reported separately from Coffee sales. As a result of adding Coffee support, an infrastructure has been created that will allow easier programming changes to add support for other Tray Functions such as Drinks, Coin Vending, Billable Coffee, and Bulk Vending. 51. Sales Person on per Account Tray basis In v9.8-H, the user can now assign which Sales Person sold each tray type for an account. In prior versions, the user could only specify which Sales Person initially placed the account. A new SALES PERSON TRAY X PERFORMANCE report has been added which reports the sales performance of a given Tray Type placed by a given Sales Person. A one-time data conversion will automatically be performed that sets the new "Account Tray Sold By" field to be the same as the "Account Sold By" field. If you have VSM on multiple computers, remember to install the new VSM programs before restoring the converted data. 52. Optional MISC INFO w/ STOP NUMB on ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE Report In v9.8-H, the user can now optionally select to show a MISC INFO column with the STOP NUMB on the ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE report. The new MISC INFO column allows extra room for miscellaneous driver notes about servicing the route. 53. Corrected SALES PERSON ACCOUNT PERFORMANCE Report In v9.8-G, the summary "NNNN accounts" (which reported total number of accounts that were ever placed by the Sales Person) was changed to "NNNN accounts shown above" (which reports the total number of accounts listed by the report. In the summary of the same report, the "of which NNNN listed above" fields were corrected to report the correct numbers (and the word "listed" changed to "shown"). Under LAST DATE OF SERVICE column, the actual last date will be shown (instead of AVERAGES ->) if the account had a service entry in the given service date range. 54. DAILY SALES only Sorts for 1 Service Trip when Order is Statistical In v9.8-F, forced the DAILY SALES FOR ROUTE report to always sort for 1 service trip (i.e. the service trip that occurred on the selected date) when sorting by Percent Usage, Percent Shrink, Amount Profit, or Amount Collected. Prior to this version, the report was sorted by the last N service trips which was misleading since the report only showed the statistics for a single service trip. 55. Added display of "new account" to LAST SERVICE SALES RESULTS In v9.8-F, the LAST SERVICE SALES RESULTS FOR ROUTE report was corrected to show new accounts with no service entries. These accounts were being counted in the "NNNN accounts shown" total, but were not being displayed by the report prior to this version. 56. Can Select 7 or 8 digit Phone Numbers In v9.8-E, the new "Vary Phone Number Length" command has been added under the OFFICE MENU to allow the user to select between 7 (default) and 8 digit phone numbers. Although not used yet in the USA, 8 digit phone numbers are already used internationally. 57. Optional Stop Number added to ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE Report In v9.8-E, the user can now optionally select to show the Stop Number for the ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE report. This makes it easier to align this report with the ticket reports. If the user selects to show Stop Number, then the user input fields for Items/Amount Left/Collect will not be shown (since there is insufficient room to show both). 58. Improved SALES PERSON ACCOUNT PERFORMANCE Report In v9.8-E, the SALES PERSON ACCOUNT PERFORMANCE report has been further improved with explanations of how calculations are done. In addition, new accounts without service entries will now be listed by the enhanced report. 59. Enhanced SALES PERSON ACCOUNT PERFORMANCE Report In v9.8-D, the SALES PERSON ACCOUNT PERFORMANCE report has been enhanced to allow the user to specify the time period (via from/to dates) over which statistics will be calculated for the Sales Person. 60. Added PACKING LISTS FOR ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE Report In v9.8-D, a new PACKING LISTS FOR ACCOUNTS TO SERVICE report has been added to the Print Reports command for the SERVICE ROUTE MENU. This report prints a ticket for every packing list belonging to the accounts to be serviced. If an account has more than one packing list, then a separate ticket is printed for each packing list. Useful for placing in tray or cash box to assist with special packing done by driver for each tray. 61. Added Chronological Service Entry Date check to Data Verification In v9.8-D, modified data verify function to insure that the Service Entries for an Account were dated in chronological order. Verify also checks to insure no duplicate service entry dates exist. 62. Added Display of Cancellation Date for Cancelled Accounts In v9.8-C, the ACCOUNT MENU display and SERVICE ENTRIES FOR ACCOUNT report have been modified to show the cancellation date for cancelled accounts. This includes permanently cancelled, temporarily suspended, and optionally suspended accounts. 63. Corrected Trays Out reports for Cancelled Accounts In v9.8-B, corrected a minor problem with Trays Out report so VSM would include counting trays out for accounts that were cancelled before the report date. Was only a problem for users that did not use a dated service entry to record the initial placement of the tray. 64. Added Tseng VGA card as VO.BAT Command Line Option In v9.8-A, added "tseng" as command line option for VO.BAT file so a user could select Tseng VGA color card to support compressed screen reports. Only users with VSM running on more than one computer need the VO.BAT file to customize settings for each computer. 65. Corrected Selection of Business Type in User-Defined Reports In v9.8, corrected user-defined reports so Business Type could be selected appropriately. Prior to this, the user might have gotten a message saying Business Type could not be selected because "Use of this field is disabled in OFFICE MENU", but in fact the Business Type field was enabled in OFFICE MENU. 66. New HELP Command with access to On-Line VSM User Manual In v9.7-Z, a new Help command has been added to the OPERATIONS and UTILITIES MENUs. This command displays info about getting technical support and then allows the user to view the latest VSM User Manual. Note that only users receiving updates on HD diskettes (i.e. 1.2M 5¬" or 1.44M 3«") will receive the user manual. 67. Omitted DRVR NAME in DAILY SALES RESULTS FOR ALL ROUTES Report In v9.7-Z, the DRVR NAME column has been omitted from the DAILY SALES RESULTS FOR ALL ROUTES report. Reason for omission was to prevent confusion since users could be misled to think this was the sales results on a route for just this driver, but in fact other drivers could have contributed to the sales shown for each route. The DRVR NAME was just suppose to show the primary driver for the route. 68. Shortened Date in WEEKLY SALES RESULTS FOR A DRIVER Report In v9.7-Z, the WEEKLYS SALES RESULTS FOR A DRIVER report now uses the abbreviated format for dates to prevent the report lines from overrunning the end of the line. 69. Now show Month Symbolically or Numerically in Dates In v9.7-Z, the month portion of dates will now be show symbolically (e.g. "Jan") instead of numerically (e.g. "01"). If you like the old- style numeric months better, then use the "Field Displays" command under the OFFICE MENU to change dates back to displaying numeric months. 70. Enhanced Packing List Sort to Disable Sorting select Tray Types In v9.7-X, the feature added in v9.7-Q to sort itemized packing lists was enhanced to allow the user exclude specific tray types from being sorted. This way, the user can sort all Tray Types except a select few. Useful for users that want packing lists for certain tray types to stay in the order they are input in. To disable sorting for a given tray type, use the new "Disable sorting Packing Lists" prompt in the New/Change Tray commands under the TRAY MENU. 71. No Longer Show/Report Packing Lists for Trays to be Cancelled In v9.7-X, fixed ticket, ACCOUNTS TO PACK, and PACKING LIST SUMMARY reports so Itemized Packing Lists are excluded for Account Trays marked as "to be cancelled". Previously, only excluded Itemized Packing Lists for cancelled Trays. 72. Added AVE/STOP Summary to MONTHLY SALES FOR CITY/STATE Report In v9.7-X, added AVE/STOP summary line to end of MONTHLY SALES FOR CITY/STATE report. This summary line provides extra useful info like AVE COLL PER STOP and PERCENT SHRINK for all cities included in the report. Also corrected PERCENT OVERPAY column in this report so valid figures (instead of all zero's) would appear. 73. Fixed Report Display Overflow for Non-Compressing Monitors In v9.7-X, corrected a problem (that was introduced in v9.7-G) that caused reports to the screen to overflow (so all info could not be seen) for computers with old-style monitors that do not support screen compression. These old-style monitors will still not prevent lines from wrapping-around, but at least all info will stay on the screen now. If you have a new VGA color monitor and are not seeing your displayed reports compressed to prevent wrap-around, then contact SMS for assistance. 74. Allow User-Defined Report to Select Map Grid field. In v9.7-X, corrected a problem in user-defined report so user will now be allowed to select option Z for "Map Grid". 75. Corrected header for Small 3x5 Tickets using old Format 1 In v9.7-X, corrected a problem (introduced in v9.7-V) that caused the header for tickets to shifted away from the serv trip data. Only affected the old-style Format 1 for small 3x5 tickets. 76. Revised Way Service Dates are Abbreviated on Tickets In v9.7-V, the way dates are printed on tickets was revised. This revision works around a shortcoming with the v9.7-S feature that dropped the year from all service dates. The shortcoming with dropping the year from service dates is that it becomes confusing for cancelled accounts that are returned to service but still have old service history displayed on the ticket. The revision in v9.7-V is to continue to show service dates as WWW MM-DD (DayOfWeek Month-Day) when the year of the service date is the same as the year of Today's Date. If the year of the service date is different than the year of Today's Date, then the date will be shown as MM-DD-YY (Month-Day-Year). This revision keeps the date field short, yet still conveys all necessary info to the driver who reads the ticket. The full date will always be shown on tickets for the "1st serv" and "FUTURE SERV:" fields. 77. Enhanced Packing List Sort to Group Deletions before Additions In v9.7-U, the feature added in v9.7-Q to sort itemized packing lists was enhanced to first sort all deletions together followed by all additions. Within the group of deletions, the packing list entries will be sorted by Product Mnemonic. Likewise for additions. Since deletions come logically before additions, the printout of the Addition/Deletion summary (e.g. "3/-1") has been changed to a Deletion/Addition summary (e.g. "-1/+3"), with the "+" sign added to make the Additon figure more recognizable. Users who have already installed v9.7-Q, -R, -S, or -T should install the v9.7-U (or later) update, then disable and re-enable the sorting of Itemized Packing Lists so the lists will be resorted into the new ordering scheme. 78. Added Option to Print Two Copies of Ticket In v9.7-U, added option in "Printed Types of Tickets" command under OFFICE MENU to allow printing two copies of every ticket. This is useful when the manager wants to audit the field performance of a driver. These two copies are only printed when selecting the "Tickets for Accounts to Service" option in the SERVICE ROUTE MENU. 79. Added Option to Disable FUTURE SERVICE on Tickets In v9.7-T, added option in "Printed Types of Tickets" command under OFFICE MENU to disable display of FUTURE SERVICE field on tickets. Some users don't need this info and would rather have more info for driver notes. 80. Reduced Ticket Width and Expanded Dollar Amounts on Reports In v9.7-S, the width of delivery tickets was reduced so they more easily fit on the 3x5 or 3«x8« ticket paper. To do this, the year was removed from the dates and the dollar amount columns were reduced by one digit each. Additionally, the dollar amount columns for reports (not tickets) were increased by one digit each. Before v9.7-S, the maximum dollar amount that could be shown on tickets and reports was $999,999.99. Now the maximum dollar amount for tickets has been reduced to $99,999.99, but the maximum dollar amount for reports has been increased to $9,999,999.99. 81. Added "Correct Date of Service" Command In v9.7-R, added new "Correct Date of Service" command to ROUTE MENU that allows correcting the "Date of Service" field for all Service Entries entered on the wrong date for a given route. This command allows correcting a common mistake, since many users do not post Service Entries until the day after they were made. If the user forgets to change "Today's Date" back to yesterday when the Service Entries are made, then the default date would not be correct when the Service Entries are entered. 82. Added display of VSM Version Number to each screen In v9.7-R, the VSM version number is now displayed in the top left corner of each screen so users have a quick way of knowing which version number they are using. Previously, the only way to know the VSM version number was to watch the initial login screen which only appears once. 83. Sort Itemized Packing Lists for each Account In v9.7-Q, a new prompt has been added under the "Field Displays" command of the OFFICE MENU which allows the user enable or disable the automatic sorting of Itemized Packing Lists for every Account. Sorting is done within each list by Product Mnemonic. When first enabling this feature, VSM will go thru every route and sort each account's packing lists. Thereafter, VSM will sort packing lists as they are updated by the user. A sorted packing list should be easier to read by packers. 84. New Small Ticket Format 3 shows AMT PROFIT instead of WARN In v9.7-N, a new Format 3 was added for small size (3x5) tickets that allows the user to show AMT PROF (or CONTR) instead of the WARN field. This new format can be selected with the "Printed types of Tickets" command under the OFFICE MENU. 85. Improved IOU Info for Auxiliary Ticket In v9.7-M, the IOU info printed for the Auxiliary Ticket has been improved to show prices for the account's next service instead of its last service (this will allow auto-adjust for price changes). Corrected problem where prices printed for first tray even when that account had cancelled the tray - will now do for first inservice tray of the account. Added new prompt that allows user to decide whether IOU ticket should be printed for the First inservice tray or All inservice trays of the account; default is First inservice tray. 86. Always Prompt "Number Services" in DATA FOR ACCOUNTS when needed In v9.7-L, corrected a situation in DATA FOR ACCOUNTS report where AVE AMT/PCT figures were selected but user was not prompted for number of service entries used to calculate these figures (so number defaulted to 0). To get this prompt for number of service entries, you had to select "Sales Performance" or ordering of accounts by one of the sales figures. Now you will always get prompted when needed. 87. Revised Restoral of Accounts to Service In v9.7-H, whenever an account is returned to service, its Next Date of Service will be set to today's date. In addition, the Number of Trays to Leave field will be set to 1 if it was zeroed out when the account was cancelled. The Number of Trays to Leave field will no longer be zero'd out when the account is cancelled. The recommended Warning Notice to leave next service will be set to none when the account is restored to service. When prompted to restore a suspended account back to service, the default reply to the prompt will now be "No" instead of "Yes" (to prevent accidental restoral of accounts). 88. Added Option to Print Duplicate Packing List Tickets In v9.7-G, a new feature was added that allows the user to print duplicate packing list tickets for each account. When enabled, the duplicate packing list ticket is printed whenver regular tickets are printed. To enable/disable this feature (disabled by default), use the "Printed Types of Tickets/Labels" command under the OFFICE MENU. 89. Added Auxiliary IOU and Future Service Tickets In v9.7-G, a new "Auxiliary Ticket" field was added to the ACCOUNT MENU. This field can be changed by the "Aux Serv Code and Ticket" command in the CHANGE ACCOUNT menu. The field can be set on a per account basis to print 1) IOU ticket, 2) Future Service Date ticket, or 3) Combination of the two. Default is to not print this extra ticket. The auxiliary ticket is automatically printed whenever a regular ticket is printed for the account. The prices shown are based on the first tray assigned to the account. 90. Added "FUTURE SERV" to Ticket so Driver knows when to come back In v9.7-G, a new "FUTURE SERV" field was added to the ticket, just to the right of the existing next service info. While next service is the date the driver goes to the account to make the upcoming delivery, future service is the date when the driver will return to make the next subsequent delivery. This information should be handy so drivers can tell their customers when they will be coming back so IOU's, etc can be ready. Note that "FUTURE SERV" is only displayed on small and large tickets using format 2 (line for each tray); the older format 1 (trays consolidated onto one line) does not support it. 91. Added Optional "Boxes Per Case" field to each Product In v9.7-G, the user can now assign the number of "Boxes Per Case" for each Product under the PRODUCT MENU. Assignment of this field is optional. If "Boxes Per Case" is 0 (the default), then VSM assumes that a case of the Product does not contain boxes of items, but just the items. If "Boxes Per Case" is not 0, then each case of the Product will contain the given number of boxes and VSM will calculate the number of "Items Per Box" (as shown in the "Products Assigned to Office" report). 92. Added New Plus1 Skip Method that skips every third regular service In v9.7-D, a new skip method called "Plus1" was added that allows accounts with this method to always skip every third service trip. The Plus1 method skips one more trip than the "Always" method, hence the name "Plus1". 93. Allow Assigning Number Service Entries used to Calculate Reports In v9.7-D, the user can now assign the number of most recent service entries used by VSM to calculate statistics shown in reports (e.g. profit). In addition, the "LAST SERVICE SALES" report will use the same number of service entries to calculate sorting by profit/shrink/etc as service entries shown by the report. 94. Launch "Monthly/Weekly Sales for Driver" reports for every Driver In v9.7-C, the "Monthly/Weekly Sales for Driver" reports can now be automatically generated for every driver by just pressing ENTER when asked which driver to run the report for. 95. Added MORERAM command to make 70K more free in 640K on 386/VGA In v9.7-C, the MORERAM command has been added to make more memory free on an emergency basis. The current DOS version of VSM only uses the first 640K of your computers memory. This first 640K is called conventional memory. So even though you may have 4M or more memory on your computer, VSM is restricted to the first 640K. (Note that the upcoming Windows version of VSM will remove this limitation so all your computer's memory can be used.) So what do you do when you try to load a route and VSM gives you the error message that there is not enough RAM? You can go to UTILITIES MENU and move accounts off the large route (UTILITIES can load larger routes than OPERATIONS), or you can run the MORERAM command and re-enter OPERATIONS. With MORERAM in effect, you will have 70K more conventional memory free to load those large routes in OPERATIONS. Sacrifice is that while MORERAM is in effect, you will not be able to compress VSM reports on your display or run other programs in graphics mode. To cancel MORERAM, enter the LESSRAM command. MORERAM only works on 386/486/Pentium computers with color VGA. 96. Corrected Auto-Deletion of Temporary Route Notes In v9.7, corrected report to print tickets so it would prompt user before confirmation before automatically deleting temporary route notes (these notes that appear in the ticket appear). Also added check to prevent network users from auto-deleting notes. 97. Added "Initialize Route" and Improved File Error Recovery In v9.6-V, the new "Initialize Existing Route" command was added under the ROUTE MENU. This command allows making a route the same as if it was just assigned, meaning it has no accounts assigned. This command becomes useful if one of your routes reports corruptions errors whenever you try to load it (e.g. "Go To SERVICE ROUTE MENU" command). In addition, the error reporting for file failures (e.g. corruption, out of disk space, etc.) have been enhanced so useful recovery steps are recommended for each error. For example, if you can no longer load a route, VSM recommends you initialize the route then restore it in the SERVICE ROUTE MENU. 98. Corrected Sorting by Street Address In v9.6-V, corrected old problem with sorting unusual street addresses. Most users were not affected. To sort by Street Address, VSM first attempts to split the Street Address into separate Street Number and Street Name fields. VSM then sorts by Street Name first, and then by Street Number within each Street Name. To find a valid Street Number, the first character of the account's Street Address must be a number (i.e. 0..9). The Street Number then continues until a blank character (i.e. space) is found. For example, a Street Address of "123-A Main St." is split into a Street Number of "123-A" and a Street Name of "Main St.". The next VSM data conversion will allow the user to separately enter Street Number and Street Name fields so VSM no longer has to assume how this info should be split up. 99. Corrected BIGSORT so Background Print List not lost In v9.6-V, corrected problem where current list of reports to print in background was lost whenever VSM was exited to run BIGSORT, which is used to sort the combined list of all accounts. The list is now saved. 100. Updated DATA FOR ACCOUNTS to show LAST SERVICE DATE In v9.6-T, the user can now select to show the Last Date the Account was Serviced. Can already show First and Next Service Dates. 101. Updated DATA FOR ACCOUNTS for single Route to Show Profit, etc. In v9.6-T, the DATA FOR ACCOUNTS report was updated so it would show Profit/Use/Shrink/Collected for a single Route like it does in v9.6-R for the Combined List of All Accounts. 102. "Auto Assign Sales Person to Account" command added In v9.6-S, a new "Auto Assign Sales Person to Account" command was added to the SALES PERSON MENU. The user enters a Sales Person, selects which Routes to change, then every Account on those routes will be updated to indicate the given Sales Person is responsible for placing the account. Useful for ARA2VSM conversion where Sales Person info is lost. 103. DATA FOR ACCOUNTS Shows and Orders by Profit/Use/Shrink/Collected In v9.6-R, the DATA FOR ACCOUNTS report will now allow ordering accounts by the following sales figures: Percent shrink, Percent Usage, Amount Collected, or Amount Profit. This allows ranking your accounts so you can see the best and worst accounts. The user can also show these same sales figures on the report by selecting them with the option "Info selected by user". 104. Corrected Sales Performance in Combined List of All Accounts Report In v9.6-R, corrected the Sales Performance option to work with the DATA FOR ACCOUNTS reported when run from the OPERATIONS MENU (at this level, it is also called the combined list of all accounts). 105. Correct TRAYS OUT/LEAVE FOR ROUTE Reports In v9.6-Q, corrected problem so TRAYS OUT FOR ROUTE and TRAYS TO LEAVE FOR ROUTE reports would work without saying there were no accounts to show in report. Problem was introduced in v9.6-A when extra restrictions were added to the DATA FOR ACCOUNTS report. 106. Allow Printing Office Name in Report Titles In v9.6-K, the user can enable printing of the Office Name above the title for reports. This helps users distinguish reports when they look at reports from more than one office. By default, printing the Office Name in reports is disabled. Use the "Assign Printer" command in the OFFICE MENU to enable printing the Office Name for reports. 107. Added Support for Novell Personal Netware In v9.6-K, support has been added so the network version of VSM will support Novell's new Personal Netware product released in Jan '94. 108. Switching Between Multiple Applications from Windows This note added v9.6-K. When launching DOS applications (such as VSM) from Windows, you can easily switch between Windows and your applications by pressing the ALT and TAB keys at the same time. This is a big time saver for users running multiple applications at the same time. See the green sheet on VSM Windows Installation for more details. 109. Allow Printer Selection from Command Line for Multiple Computers In v9.6-J, the user can now specify printer selections on the command line used to invoke VSM or VSMUTIL. For further details on this feature, see the pink "Printer Selection from Command Line" info sheet. 110. Added "Honor Snack Management System" Conversion Feature In v9.6-H, users with John Hine's "Honor Snack Management System" program can now convert their data into VSM. Contact SMS for details. 111. Fix Compressed Screen Reports for VSM from Windows In v9.6-H, corrected minor problem that sometimes prevent VSM from compressing screen reports when run from Windows. 112. Added Disk Sort option to Combined List of all Accounts In v9.6-G, users printing the "Combined List of all Accounts" report will see a new prompt that asks whether a Memory or Disk Sort is desired. The Memory Sort is the old method of sorting that has problems with running out of RAM memory on large databases. The Memory Sort is also limited on some of the data fields it can print (e.g. cannot print "First Service Date", "Map Page", and "Map Grid" with the Memory Sort). The new Disk Sort overcomes the problems inherent with the Memory Sort by making use of the BIGSORT program. The Disk Sort will not run out of RAM memory since it uses disk space, so the largest VSM databases can now be sorted. The Disk Sort also allows printing fields that the Memory Sort could not (see above). And the Disk Sort is much faster. The Disk Sort also allows access to Sales Performance and Skip options when selecting accounts to print. And a new sort type has been added to VSM: sorting by Business Type. 113. Added ADAPTER command to help identify VGA Adapter Card type In v9.6-G, the user can run the "adapter" command at the DOS "C:\>" prompt to help identify what type of VGA adapter card is used by your computer. This is helpful since VSM can compress reports on the screen (instead of letting them wrap-around) when the user correctly assigns the type of VGA adapter card used by your computer. 114. Expand Restrictions for DATA FOR ACCOUNTS Report In v9.6-C, corrected DAILY SALES RESULTS FOR ROUTE report summary showing number of missed and cancelled accounts (the two numbers were swapped).