This page walks you through the steps of setting up different displays to work with VSM. These instructions work the same for regular users and demo users.
The main reason for customizing your display for VSM is:
There is also a list below of display cards that support the compressed screen mode in VSM.
The "Display Type" section under OFFICE MENU in the VSM User Manual describes how to assign your display type. The manual is available online to VSM users by going to the OPERATIONS MENU and pressing H for Help. The info on this web page is a supplement to the user manual.
The manual lists command line options like "paravga" and "trident" that may be used to override the display adapter assignment. This is helpful if you run VSM on computers with different display types. Once you figure which command line option works for you, it can be saved in your computer's customized vo.bat file which you setup here.
ATI Mach 64 GX (GX, GXD, VT)ATIM64.drv ATI Graphics Pro Turbo PCI ATI Graphics Xpression ATI WinTurbo ATI Rage I, II, & II+ATI_M64.drv ATI All-In-Wonder ATI 3D Xpression+ PC2TV ATI 3D Xpression ATI 3D Xpression+ ATI Rage Pro (AGP & PCI)ATIR3.drv ATI Xpert@Work, 4 & 8 MB ATI Xpert@Play, 4 & 8 MB ATI All-In-Wonder Pro S3 765 (Trio64V+)S3MM.drv S3 Trio64V2(DX/GX)S3MM.drv Diamond Stealth 64 Video 2001 STB PowerGraph 64V+ STB MVP 64 Miro TwinHead 22SD Hercules Terminator 64/Video Number Nine 9FX Reality 332 (S3 Virge) Number Nine 9FX Reality 334 (S3 Virge GX/2) Number Nine 9FX Reality 772 (S3 Virge VX) California Graphics V2/DX Videologic GraphicsStar 410 Cirrus 5436CIRRUSMM.drv Cirrus Alpine Cirrus 5446CIRRUSMM.drv STB Nitro 64V S3 ViRGE S3V.drv ViRGE (325) ViRGE VX (988) ViRGE DX (385) ViRGE GX (385)) Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Diamond Stealth 3D 3000 Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Pro Number Nine 9FX Reality 332 STB Nitro 3D STB Powergraph 3D STB Velocity 3D STB MVP/64 STB MVP/64 3D STB WorkStation (2 & 4 output) Miro Crystal VR4000 ET6000ET6000.drv Hercules Dynamite 128/Video STB Lightspeed 128 Compaq Armada S3MM.drv Trident 9685/9680/9682TRID_PCI.DRV /9385/9382/9385 Jaton Video - 57P
Contact SMS if you need further assistance.
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