Download Latest VSM Update

To see what's in the latest VSM Update, view the latest Implemented Feature List for v9.9ZF. Note that this list will be downloaded with the update so that you can view the list with the "Help" command in the OPERATIONS MENU.

There are 3 ways that current VSM users can get the latest VSM Update:

  1. Follow steps for Quick Method.
  2. Follow steps for Long Method
  3. Request floppy update from Reggie.
If you are not a VSM user yet, see how to get the demo

Quick method

Follow these steps for the quickest way to download the latest VSM v9.9-ZH update:
  1. Insure you have the latest VSMDNLD.BAT file (Zip version of VSMDNLD.BAT) installed in your C:\BATCH directory. The VSMDNLD.BAT file was last changed on Jan 13, 1997. Download this newer version if your version is older. To check the date of your version, enter the following command at the DOS prompt:
    dir c:\batch\vsmdnld.bat
    To download a file with NetScape Navigator, point your mouse at the underlined VSMDNLD.BAT file above, then hold down your SHIFT key and click your left mouse button. A window will pop-up asking where (i.e. which drive and directory) you want to place the file on your PC (e.g. C:\BATCH).

    To download a file with Microsoft Internet Explorer, point your mouse at the underlined VSMDNLD.BAT file above, then click your left mouse button. A window will pop-up asking you to "Open it" or "Save it to disk"; click "Save it to disk" then click "OK". Next window will pop-up asking "Save As"; set "Save in" to show the "Batch" directory.

    If you have VSM running on a network, be sure to install VSMDNLD.BAT in D:\BATCH as well. I'm not sure yet how to download files with America OnLine, so let me know if you figure it out and I'll post the instructions here.

  2. If you get runtime 200 error from BIGSORT when running Combined List of All Accounts report, then download this patched version of BIGSORT.
    Then use WinZip or PKUnzip decompress file and install it in your C:\UTIL directory.
    Note the runtime 200 error only occurs on fast PC's (233MHz and faster).

  3. Download this VSM v9.9-ZI update to a temporary directory on your PC. This directory would typically be C:\TMP or C:\TEMPFILE, unless you are running VSM on a network, in which case you should use D:\TMP or D:\TEMPFILE instead..

  4. To install the downloaded update (while assuming your temporary directory is C:\TMP), enter the following commands at the DOS prompt:
    cd \tmp
    vsmdnld vsm99ZI xxxx
    In place of xxxx, you will need to substitute your download password. Contact Reggie to obtain the current download password. Once VSMDNLD completes without any errors, network users must also run the following command at the DOS prompt:
    Run the GETVSM command at the server and each workstation to complete the download.

  5. After installing the VSM update, you can view the latest list of feature additions by entering the following command at the DOS prompt:
    list c:\hvsm\vsm99ZI.txt
    Or you can view this same list with the built-in "Help" command in the OPERATIONS MENU.

  6. If you have any problems with this Quick Method (can occur if some VSM support files are missing), then use the Long Method.

Long Method

Follow these steps for the longest way to download the latest VSM v9.9-ZI update:
  1. Download this ZVSM99ZI.ZIP file to a directory on your hard drive (e.g. C:\TMP).

  2. Insert a blank formatted floppy in the A: drive, then run these DOS commands:
    cd \tmp
    PKUNZIP ZVSM99ZI -Sxxxx A:
    Must substitute download password for "xxxx". Note password is case sensitive.

  3. Run the DOS command:

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